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明日香,丽是我妹妹。Asuka, Rei is my sister.

丽说了谢谢,两个人开始了午餐。Rei thanked him, and the meal began.

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那天的早晨,驾驶员绫波丽是跑着去的学校。That morning, Pilot Ayanami Rei ran to school.

这个简单的问题让丽无言以对。This simple question left Rei with nothing to say.

不知为何,丽对于这番赞美并不感到高兴。For some reason this compliment did not please Rei.

丽还活着的消息传来的时候,我离开了他。I had left him when it was discovered that Rei was still alive.

丽看着真嗣的双眼,惊讶地发现泪水在真嗣的眼眶中滚动。Rei looked up into his eyes, and was shocked to find tears there.

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您可以输入您的擦拭所有PIN访问罗哈斯优固工业和所有数据将在怜灭绝。You can enter your Wipe All PIN to access REI and all data in Rei will be wiped out.

和人们的想象刚好相反,绫波丽对周遭发生的事情其实相当敏感。Contrary to what people might think, Ayanami Rei was acutely of what was going on around her.

丽吃完了蔬菜和米饭,看到真嗣好像有心事,于是这么问道。Rei asked as she finished her steamed vegetables and rice and sat back to look at the boy in concern.

就在此时,丽觉得一直以来只要在真嗣身边,那种自己心中暖洋洋的感觉一下子变成了彻骨的冰冷。It was at that time that Rei felt that sensation of warmth that always filled her stomach when she was around Shinji go ice cold.

但祭司撒督,耶何耶大的儿子比拿雅,先知拿单,示每,利以,并大卫的勇士都不顺从亚多尼雅。But Zadok the priest, Benaiah son of Jehoiada, Nathan the prophet, Shimei and Rei and David's special guard did not join Adonijah.

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但祭司撒督、耶何耶大的儿子比拿雅、先知拿单、示每、利以,并大卫的勇士都不顺从亚多尼雅。But Zadok the priest and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and Nathan the prophet and Shimei and Rei and David's mighty men were not with Adonijah.

但是有机交易组织需要更大、更主流的合作伙伴形成推动力,所以他们寻找到了Timberland和REI。But Organic Exchange needed larger, more mainstream partners to build momentum in the space, so it sought out and won sponsorships from Timberland and REI.

稀土发光材料具有发光亮度高、寿命长、无辐射污染等优异性能特点,一直是国内外发光材料的研究热点。Owning to their high brightness, long lifetime and non-radiation substance, more attention has been paid to the investigations of REI activated luminescent material.

但是祭司撒督、耶何耶大的儿子比拿雅、先知拿单、示每、利以,和大卫的侍卫们都不拥护他。But Zadok the priest, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and Nathan the prophet, and Shimei, and Rei , and the mighty men that belonged to David, were not with Adonijah.

在宣布REI的决定时,Presley高度赞扬了当地的政府官员和宾夕法尼亚的经济发展组,正是因为他们的努力和热情,REI才落脚到此地。At a gathering today to announce REIs decision, Presley praised the governor and Pennsylvanias economic development team for their efforts in attracting and welcoming REI to area.