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这鬼天气!This damnable weather!

但这些效应也能成为令人痛恨的麻烦事。They can also be a damnable nuisance.

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现在你狗日的供应商又把别人逼死了!Now these damnable suppliers drive 'Dudu' to dead!

这种小型巡洋舰,简直是愚蠢到了极点了!Of all the damnable follies ever perpetrated, nothing compares with the small cruiser!

快感只要那么一瞬间,而付出的破费却是惊人的。About sex, the pleasure is momentary, the position ridiculous and the expense damnable.

你是这整个世界的女主人,然而你却因为看不到那该死的海水而哭泣?You are mistress of the known world and yet you cry because you can't see the damnable water?

希拉非常痛恨宙斯,以及跟他有关的人和半神们。Hera abhors Hercules as damnable evidence of her husband's infidelities , yet the demigod has his allies.

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他表示,“绝不应该对这些人有半点仁慈,必须用导弹将这些该死的邪恶分子消灭掉。”"It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them" he said. "They are evil and damnable. "

他的著作中大部分都充满了作呕的教义,错误的言论,饱含煽动性,无信仰可言,同时又是那么极端异教化,充满对神明的亵渎对政府的破坏。Because of there damnable doctrines, false, seditious, and impious, and most of them also heretical and blasphemous and destructive of all government.

他表示,“绝不应该对这些人有半点仁慈,必须用导弹将这些该死的邪恶分子消灭掉。”"It is forbidden to be merciful to them, " he was quoted as saying. "You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable. "