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嗨。你还没看到我们最后的情况,太太。Hey. You haven't seen the last of us, missis.

奥巴马太太说有两个蜂房提供蜂蜜。Missis Obama said 2 beehives will provide honey.

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“那么你信得过你的老婆吗?”另一个问。"And can you trust your missis?" asked the other.

奥巴马夫人说2个蜂箱用来采蜜。Missis Obama said 2beebeehives will provide honey.

我想请太太来评论一下,哪个最值钱。I'd like to have Missis say which is worth the most.

米歇尔表示还会有两个蜂箱用来酿蜜。Mrs. Missis Obama said 2 beehives will provide honey.

奥巴马夫人说两箱蜂窝提供蜂蜜。Missis Obama said 2 behaves beehives will provide honey.

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老太太她会把我的头给拧下来的,她真的会的!Ole missis she'd take an' tar de head off'n me. 'Deed she would.

“夫人走进来了,”她说,“跟个冰柱似的,冷冰冰的,又像个公主似的高不可攀。Missis walked in', she said, `as chill as an icicle, and as high as a princess.

奥巴马夫人说两个蜂箱将提供蜂蜜。This is Obarma Missis Obama said too behalves no 2 beehives will provide honey.

一个女用人走进房来说,“先生,太太已经泡好了茶。”"Please, Sir, missis has made tea, " said a female servant, bobbing into the room.

哦,不,我可不敢,汤姆少爷。老太太她会把我的头给拧下来的,她真的会的!Oh, I dasn't, Mars Tom. Ole missis she'd take an' tar de head off'n me. 'Deed she would.

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“不过她生性如此,”对方回答,“我经常跟太太说起我对这孩子的看法,太太也同意。But it was always in her, was the reply. I've told Missis often my opinion about the child, and Missis agreed with me.

更近一些的时候,克林顿总统和夫人也有一个小的菜园,但是它是种在白宫房顶上的容器中的。More recently, President and Missis Clinton had a small gardenbutBut it was planted in containers on the roof of the White House.

“乔恩,”她饱含感情地叫道,“墨菲夫人的小儿子丢了,对丢了的小孩来说这个城市太大了。"Jawn, " she said sentimentally, "Missis Murphy's little bye is lost. 'Tis a great city for losing little boys. Six years old he was.

六月和九月的时候他把家人接到镇上住了一个月,还和妻子去了几次短途旅行,称之为“老婆”或者“我的爱人”。He took his family out of town for a month in June and again in September, and also made short pleasure trips with his wife – "my missis" or "my better half".