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不要屈从于轰动效应。Don't give in to sensationalism.

从该时开始,煽情主义在香港植根。Afterwards, sensationalism places its root in Hong Kong media.

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因此,他们满足于陈词滥调、哗众取宠和肤浅的偏见。Instead, they settlefor banality, sensationalism and gut prejudice.

有些楼盘的广告片面追求轰动效应,虚多实少。Some of the advertising market unilateral sensationalism , but it is small.

他尽力不带一丝哗众取宠的色彩来写作他的题材。He took great pains to write on his subject without a trace of sensationalism.

现在我们的资料,有一定信誉和该方法必然追求轰动效应。There is a certain credibility and a certain sensationalism in the way we present data.

在这个时代,主要电视网上的新闻杂志节目中,小报式的煽动报道几乎已泛滥成灾。At a time when the network newsmagazines are close to being overrun by tabloid sensationalism.

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但是当你回顾我上面的论证,我不认为其中掺入了任何不理智的情感和感觉。But looking back over my arguments above, I don't see where emotion or sensationalism is creeping in.

实践中的“怀旧”和研究上的“追新”实际上割裂了理论的历史联系。Reminiscence in practice and sensationalism in research break up the history relation of the theories.

但是,总体上,记者们并未变得服服帖帖地远离政治、追求轰动效应和新鲜活泼的小道传闻。Overall, reporters hadn’t gone soft. Away from politics, sensationalism and gossip were alive and well.

在报道精神卫生问题时避免陈旧观念、追求轰动效应以及历久不衰的神话和误解。Avoid stereotyping, sensationalism and perpetuating myths and misconceptions when reporting on mental health issues.

近年几宗事故中,传媒耸人听闻的报导手法和侵犯私隐,激起公众强烈抗议。A number of incidents in recent years have provoked a public outcry against media sensationalism and invasion of privacy.

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煽情主义是他报纸经营的策略,目的是为了实现报纸的揭露社会弊病的理想。Sensationalism is the tactics of his newspaper management so as to achieve ideal and goal of exposing and educating the society.

党派报纸不仅价格较高,登载的新闻还缺少轰动效果,难以对仅有初等文化的工人阶级产生吸引力。In addition to the high price, the absence of sensationalism also made newspapers not attractive to the semiliterate working class.

正是这种感觉论和理性主义的结合,成为了启蒙运动哲学的基本要素之一。It was this combination of sensationalism and rationalism which became one of the basic elements in the philosophy of the Enlightenment.

他们中的绝大多数只是为了让自己和这种些恶的形象联系在一起所以使用一些撒旦教符号。The majority of those who’ve adopted the Satanic imagery have done so out of sensationalism and the desire to clothe themselves with this image of evil.

教宗约翰保罗二世据说也读了它,拒绝在广场上透露出来,它真正的精神信息已经被追求轰动效应变得晦涩不清了。Pope John Paul II is said to have also read it, and refuses to reveal it on the grounds that its true spiritual message has been obscured by sensationalism.

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当艾迪·伊扎德在将英国电影与哗众取宠的好莱坞电影做比较时,他那戏谑英国电影沉闷无聊的段子还是很经典的。There e's a great Eddie Izzard sketch where he pokes fun at the morose inactivity of British film when compared with the bombastic sensationalism of Hollywood.

所有重大的人生转变都是艰难的,但如果缺少理解将会困难重重——对待所有的歧视与偏见,甚至还有哗众取宠和淫欲。All major life changes are difficult, but the lack of understanding is triple -- dealing with all the prejudice and bias, and even the sensationalism and prurient interest.

这般哗众取宠的手段,也使得对不明飞行物和外星人智力的合法科研声誉扫地。It is sensationalism of this kind that gives the legitimate scientific research of unidentified flying objects and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, a bad name.