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耶和华的名显示祂是立约的神。The name of Jehovah was so covenantal.

他呼求上帝,称祂为「耶和华我的神啊!」He called upon God as Jehovah my Elohim !

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信心使我披戴耶和华的能力。Faith clothes me with the power of Jehovah.

坚实的,四边的,从这一边的那和华,那是我。Solid, four-sided, from this side Jehovah am I.

这是万军之耶和华点齐军队,豫备打仗。Jehovah of hosts is mustering An army for battle.

耶和华我的神阿,你却将我的性命从坑中救上来。Then You have brought up my life from the pit, O Jehovah my God.

今日有谁乐意献上,将自己献给耶和华呢?And who will offer willingly , consecrating himself today to Jehovah?

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非利士人所余剩的必都灭亡,这是主耶和华说的。And the remnant of the Philistines will perish, Says the Lord Jehovah.

耶和华却要作你永远的光,你的神要作你的荣美。But Jehovah will be an eternal light to you, And your God your beauty.

信心使我和天接触,信心使我披戴耶和华的能力。Faith links me with Divinity. Faith clothes me with the power of Jehovah.

在那里有以利的两个儿子何弗尼、非尼哈,作耶和华的祭司。And the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, priests of Jehovah , were there.

耶和华吩咐使者,他就收刀入鞘。And Jehovah commanded the angel, and he put up his sword again into its sheath.

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不要往吉甲去,不要上到伯亚文,也不要指着永活的耶和华起誓。And do not come to Gilgal, Nor go up to Beth-aven, Nor swear, As Jehovah lives.

王说,我指着永活的耶和华起誓,你的儿子连一根头发也不至落在地上。And he said, As Jehovah lives, not a hair from your son shall fall to the ground.

根据本篇诗篇耶和华的慈爱表现在那些生活的经历?In what kinds of life encounters can you experience the lovingkindness of Jehovah?

耶和华我们的神为我们的缘故所赶出之人的一切地,我们就要得为业。Thus we will take possession of all that Jehovah our God dispossesses for our sake.

亚威或耶和华是一个神秘的名字,根据推测是在西乃山上被给予摩西。JHVH, Jahweh or Jehovah is a name of mystery supposedly given to Moses on Mt. Sinai.

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耶和华说,你可以牵一只母牛犊去,说,我来是要向耶和华献祭。And Jehovah said, Take a heifer with you, and say, I have come to sacrifice to Jehovah.

他必从耶和华得着祝福,又从救他的神得着公义。He will receive blessings from Jehovah and righteousness from the God of his salvation.

愿阿爸,父耶和华上帝和主耶稣的恩惠常与众圣徒同在。阿们!The grace of Abba, Father Lord Jehovah God and Jesus Christ be with God's people. Amen.