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这是一个男性神祇。This is a male deity.

他被敬若神明。He is worshipped as deity.

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深山中,动物过着神仙的生活。In remote mountain, animal deity life.

再生族在火光中敬拜神。The twice-born worships the Deity in fire.

最后,深邃的萨舍拉斯是海精灵之神。Finally, Deep Sashelas is the deity of the sea elves.

让您走进一个失落已久的“太阳神鸟王国”。Make you enjoy a long-lost "kingdom of Sunbird deity".

可是如果你是无阵营的话,你可以待奉任何神。However, if you are unaligned, you can serve any deity.

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他为神献身,所以得到恩典。He offers sacrifice to the deity and receives a blessing.

节日活动留下了给印度教湿婆神的供品。Festivalgoers leave offerings for the Hindu deity Lord Shiva.

通常在圣所给神供奉祭品。Sacrifices were offered to the deity in his or her sanctuary.

魁星就是中国古代传说中掌管文章好坏的神灵。Kuixing is a deity in Chinese mythology in charge of learning.

这里原是十方丛林,是云游道士挂单的地方。Bush was originally 10 side here is the local skies Taoist deity.

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此外,更有甚者,就是教皇已僭称了上帝的尊号。More than this, the pope has been given the very titles of Deity.

他本可以在葡萄牙的大西洋海岸继续做他的神。He could have remained on Portugal's Atlantic coast, a local deity.

月儿好心今谢过,且将厚意属别人。Thanks for your kindness, deity Moon, the joy belongs to the others!

一位婆罗门习惯每天用食物贡品来敬拜他的家庭神。A brahmin used to worship his Family Deity daily with food offerings.

铜鼓是布依族的神器礼器。Brass drums are the Bouyei people's instruments of deity worshipping.

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向上帝供奉,祭献向神供奉,如敬神或感恩。The act of offering something, such as worship or thanks, to a deity.

阮籍向往的神仙境界则是人格精神绝对自由的庄玄理想世界。The deity state that he yearns for is the ideal world of Zhuang Xuan.

“大水”是出土楚简所载较普遍祭祀的重要神祇。"Dashui" is common worship in Chu bamboo slips as an important deity.