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闹派性要不要反对?Will they oppose factionalism or not?

该党也因派系斗争比以往更四分五裂。The party has also become more riven by factionalism than ever.

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你的“行业”是闹派性,何必到我们这里来拿工资?Since his trade is factionalism , why should we keep him on our payroll?

而其内部也因为党内纷争出现分裂,甚至都没有一个大家都认可的党内领导。They are also riven with factionalism and without an agreed national leadership.

战后,由于皇室党派之争导致了国家政局动荡。Factionalism among the royal family led to a period of instability after the war.

对于派性,还要号召群众、发动群众起来共同反对。Moreover, we should call on the masses to join in the effort against factionalism.

观察家说,尽管如此,联邦巩固发展党的派性不可能动摇丹瑞的控制缅甸国家政权。Observers said USDP factionalism is unlikely to shake Than Shwe's control of power in Burma.

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以及因左翼党派争斗和暗地毁谤而理想破灭的受伤害的理想主义者马艾塔。and Mayta the damaged idealist, disillusioned by the factionalism and infighting of the left.

要安定团结,就必须消除派性,增强党性。In order to achieve stability and unity, we must eliminate factionalism and enhance Party spirit.

高层的党派之争有可能会失去控制,甚至陷入僵局,或者彻底的决裂。Factionalism at the top might grow out of control, perhaps even leading to deadlock or outright feuding.

两宋被贬海南的文人多为党争失败者。The men of letters exiled into Hainan Island during the Song Dynasty were mostly failures at factionalism.

同时,党派之争和对公共服务缺乏承担大大削弱了陈水扁的治理。Meanwhile, factionalism and lack of commitment to public service have greatly weakened Mr. Chen's administration.

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一项调查后来发现,这位63岁的副总理是一名“反党的反动分子”,犯有“现代宗派主义”罪。An investigation later found that the 63-year-old deputy premier was an "anti-party reactionary" guilty of "modern-day factionalism.

军队整顿当中,还要加强干部学习,增强党性,反对派性,加强纪律性,发扬艰苦奋斗的传统作风。To accomplish these tasks, we must enhance Party spirit, eliminate factionalism , heighten the sense of discipline and improve efficiency.

现在解决各地区、各部门的问题,都要从反对派性、增强党性入手。The present attempts to solve problems in different regions and units should all begin with combating factionalism and enhancing Party spirit.

家境富有,受过良好教育。曾迅速在法律界立下威名,后来投身政治,而后与党派之争和阴谋反叛事件纠缠在一起。Born to a wealthy family, he quickly established a brilliant career in law and plunged into politics, then rife with factionalism and conspiracy.

泰国王室和病入膏肓的国王不再能如过去一样稳定局势,而泰国军方也饱受派系倾轧之苦。The Thai royal family, with its ailing king, cannot be as much of a stabilizing force as it once was, and factionalism is roiling the Thai military.

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组织派性的增长将需要把更多的时间用在应对具有特定利益和主张的群体上。An increase in organizational factionalism will require that increasing amounts of time be dedicated to dealing with special interest and advocacy groups.

他关于民主如何应对种族紧张关系、党派纷争及财富分配的见解对当今社会是非常重要的。His insights into how democracy must deal with ethnic tensions, factionalism , and the distribution of wealth are particularly significant to contemporary societies.

接下来的两篇文章分析了信息时代协商民主的本质,考察了科技降低宗派活动的能力。This is followed by two essays that analyze the nature of deliberative democracy in the information age and examine the capability of technology to mitigate factionalism.