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这书架有五格。This bookcase has five shelves.

书架上有些什么书?What books are in the bookcase?

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他现在正在喷刷书橱。He is painting the bookcase now.

我从书橱上选了本书。I chose a book from the bookcase.

他在墙里建了个书橱。He built a bookcase into the wall.

他用板条箱临时做成书架。He improvised a bookcase out of crates.

他抬书柜时出现了疝.He ruptured himself lifting a bookcase.

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房子在摇晃,书架上的画框掉落下来。House was shaking. Pic fell off bookcase.

这是一个看起来再普通不过的黑色书柜。It was an ordinary-looking black bookcase.

房间里有两个玻璃书橱。The room held two glass- fronted bookcase.

他在窗与窗之间加设了书橱。He built in a bookcase between the windows.

我的书和笔记本在书橱里。My books and notebooks are in the bookcase.

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他准备明天给书架刷漆。He is going to paint the bookcase tomorrow.

书架上的书大部分是小说书。Most of the books on the bookcase are novels.

那个花瓶从书架上掉了下来,摔碎了。The vase crashed when it fell off the bookcase.

这是我的书柜,我所有的书都在那里面。This is my bookcase. All of my books are in it.

你想要设计拥有自己品位的书橱吗?Do you want to design your own taste of bookcase?

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他把他所有的书都塞进小书橱里。He crammed all his books into the small bookcase.

在教室的后部有个书橱。There is a bookcase at the back of the classroom.

那空间太小,书橱放不进去。That space is too small, the bookcase won't go in.