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我喜欢这个主题。I love the subject.

它是一门新兴的交叉学科。It is a new subject.

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该书性质我社不作规定,任何主题之任何书籍均可。Any book on any subject.

他详细论述了这个问题。He -fied on the subject.

这个话题禁止讨论。The subject was tabooed.

数学是她最擅长的课目。Maths is her best subject.

我最喜欢体育课。My favorite subject is P.E.

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你的主修科目是什麽?What subject is your major?

而不受历史制约。He's not subject to history.

物理学是他的主科。Physics is his main subject.

数学是他最喜欢的课目。Math is his favorite subject.

读一本关于某一门新学科的书。Read a book on a new subject.

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举一个一夫多妻制的主题。Take the subject of polygamy.

她的主修科目是化学。Her major subject is chemistry.

参看以下选修科目表。See below for the subject list.

我们将不继续学这门学科。We will not pursue the subject.

什么是SAT学科考试?What Are the SAT Subject Tests?

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我耸耸肩,然后更换了话题。I shrug, and change the subject.

现在我们来谈下一个问题。Let us pass on the next subject.

这题目关系到我们的福利。The subject touches our welfare.