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我不知道他是这星期的纠察队。I didn't know he was the proctor this week.

监考人员抓住他在数学考试中作弊。The proctor caught him cheating in the maths exam.

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宝洁公司是一家生产个人卫生用品的大集团公司。Proctor & Gamble is a large personal product conglomerate.

监考人把我带到指定的电脑钱。The exam proctor cheerfully led me to my assigned computer.

我本来也有些担心会影响到重要系列战。」普洛克特如此表示。It was a concern that could impact a big series, Proctor said.

假如你没有理解题目的意思,你也不能问监考官要另外一个作文题。You can't simply ask the test proctor for a new essay question.

「我由他们来决定怎麽做才对球队最好。」普洛克特表示。I really left it up to them to do what would be best for the team, " Proctor said."

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人类首次在普罗克特环形山内看到类似沙丘是在35年前,由“水手9号”飞船发现的。Similar dunes were first seen in Proctor Crater by Mariner 9 more than 35 years ago.

天天P在他面对的五位打击者,三位打击者都投到两好球,但是就是没能投出另一个好球数。Proctor had two strikes on three of the five hitters he faced, but could put only one away.

现在我就在她在晚间集会上讲些从普罗克特书上捡拾得来的零碎的天文知识。Now I retailed at her evening gatherings the astronomical tit-bits I had gleaned from Proctor.

如有任何疑问,欢迎向本中心公关督导员冯礼诺先生查询。If has any question, welcome to inquire to this central public relations proctor Mr. Feng Lino.

在这个决定以前,曾有一次由宝洁公司资助的试点计划,在27所伦敦小学中安排了50名教师。The decision follows a pilot, funded by Proctor &Gamble, which saw 50 teachers placed in 27 London primaries.

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下面就是各学监的四个大讲室,再往下才是各个导师的讲习之所。The underneath is each school proctor of four greatly speak room, downwards is each tutor's seminar again of.

因普罗科特以怀疑态度而知名,他的言辞对麦金利政府和国会颇有分量。Since Proctor was renowned for his scepticism, his words carried weight with the McKinley administration and Congress.

陈兰彬是清季首任留学生监督和首任驻美公使。Ih the Qing Dynasty, Chen Lanbin, the first proctor of Chinese students studying abroad and the first China's envoy in U.

正当着正装的校方学监走上讲台,中国听众转向那名男子时,他投掷了一只灰色运动软鞋。As a gowned university proctor walked towards the stage, and the Chinese audience turned on the man, he threw a grey trainer.

学监遇到他,也跟他彼此脱帽致意,仿佛他们在权力上是平等的,很难说谁大谁小。He and the proctor capped each other as they met, as if they were rival powers, and the man hardly knew which was the Greater.

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普洛克托上校和福克先生,拿着手枪,立即走出了决斗场,赶到前面发出更加激烈的枪声和喊声的车厢去了。Colonel Proctor and Mr Fogg, revolvers In hand, hastily quitted their prison, and rushed forward where the noise was most clamorous.

她是1996年关怀大奖的国际获奖者,也因为她的科学成就获得了希格玛西协会1996年的威廉普洛克托奖。She was the international recipient of the 1996 Caring Award and the Sigma Xi society's 1996 William Proctor Prize for Scientific Achievement.

宝洁公司的汤姆。道森及他的合作者,对球形马拉色菌和限制马拉色菌的基因组进行了不完全测序。Tom Dawson of Proctor and Gamble and his collaborators sequenced the genomes of Malassezia globosa and, less thoroughly, Malassezia restrict a.