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数据规范化导致性能的急剧下降。Performance falls off as RDBMSs normalize data.

中国和老挝直到1988年才恢复邦交正常化。China and Laos did not normalize ties until 1988.

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规范产品研发项目范围管理。Normalize scope management of product R&D project.

因此,麦肯齐的设计项目就是让他的祖母能有一顿正常的晚餐。So, McKenzie’s project became to normalize dinner for his grandma.

允许资本更加自由地出入,以推动货币政策正常化?Allow freer capital flows in and out, to help normalize monetary policy?

本文从这个角度提出了网路新词语的规范问题。In view of this, the thesis pointed out the urgency to normalize the network neology.

Ohata表示,他已经敦促中国商务部部长使稀土出口正常化。Mr. Ohata said he had pressed the Chinese minister to normalize rare-earth shipments.

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Ohata表示,他已经敦促中国商务部部长使稀土出口正常化。Mr. Ohata said he had pressed the Chinese minister to normalize rare-earth shipments. Mr.

消融扰乱了心房异常电活动并使心脏节律恢复正常。The ablations disrupt the atria's abnormal electrical activity and normalize heart rhythm.

如果打开了规范化检查属性,那么会在必要时对输入文本进行规范化。The normalization checking attribute, if set to on, will normalize the input text if necessary.

您应该在今天更快的服务器上使用更小的正常值,以让负载能够正确地实现故障转移。You should use a lower normalize value with today's faster servers, so loads failover correctly.

也不可削足适履,以“物理科学”观,规范所有的科学学科。They can neither normalize all scientific subjects with physics science, act in a Procrustean way.

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通过这五个方面研究,进一步规范和完善了农村财务监督管理体系。The study of the five aspects help further normalize and perfect rural financial supervision system.

本文结合医院实际,阐述了如何规范医疗设备验收管理,把好医院医疗设备入口关的问题。This paper introduces the idea how to normalize acceptance management of medical equipment in hospital.

生成语料库的原因之一是规范化文本并删除任何不相关的内容。One of the reasons for generating a corpus is to normalize text and remove anything that isn't relevant.

研究人员指出,强制性地禁止选择性堕胎可能会使性别比较正常一点。They said enforcing the ban against sex-selective abortions could normalize the sex ratio in the future.

他们还说反对性别选择性堕胎的硬性政策可以使中国未来的性别比例正常化。They said enforcing the ban against sex-selective abortions could normalize the sex ratio in the future.

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但是,尽管如此,将大表有选择性地进行规范化处理,分为几个更小的表是可能的。However, even then it might be possible to normalize a large table selectively into several smaller tables.

雪花式维度的优势之一是,因为规范化了维度表而实现了空间节省。One advantage of the snowflake dimension is the space savings, because you normalize your dimension tables.

同时他们还在帮助发展一些临床策略,以促进这种适应以及大脑的正常发育。They are also helping to develop clinical strategies to promote such adaptations and normalize development.