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每粒种子都是一个渴望。Every seed is a longing.

我正盼望着第一节体育课呢。I am longing for first-period PE.

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龙庭酒业——渴望永远!Longing Palace—Longing for ever !

这就是你一直渴望参观的秦俑博物馆。Warriors you've been longing to visit.

他们渴望拥有自己的一片天地。They are longing for their own hearths.

羕所有向往的目光都集中在他的身上。All eyes are on the longing of his body.

我该把真挚的思念寄给谁?To whom shall I send my earnest longing?

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他对回家的渴望让他感觉很痛苦。The misery he had was a longing for home.

如蒙垂青,定当勤勉,不负所望。If be not willing diligent, favors longing.

是你身上的绳索叩响我最后的渴望。Last hawser, in you creaks my last longing.

想你,就像叶落大地般向往!Like you, like the earth-like longing Yela!

这些流浪者的鞋子,已经漂泊了很久。These vagabond shoes, are longing to stray.

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这些促使着渴望的种子发芽。These, that germinate the seeds of longing.

那么长久地等待她门后的尘灰。After the dust of that Her door for longing.

我知道这几个月来你一直盼着这次旅行。I know you've been longing for it these months.

她渴望自己快快的一死完事。To death she looked with inexpressible longing.

是否特别期待某一部舞台剧?Is there any special Tenimyu you're longing for?

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难怪她们如此爱它,而且渴望更多的续集。No wonder they love it and are longing for more.

其真我蛮苯冰的,但是出甚么机遇。I am longing for that but maybe I have no chance.

人类的胚芽是在你母亲的愿望里。The germ of the race is in your mother's longing.