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这是一只瓢虫。It's a ladybird.

喂!你是瓢虫吗?。Are you a ladybird ?

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瓢虫在他的床上。The ladybird is on his bed.

这个瓢虫是什么颜色的?What colour is the ladybird ?

七星瓢虫是红黑色的。The ladybird is red and black.

小蜜蜂和七星瓢虫非常可爱。Bee and ladybird , very lovely.

这飘虫是在盥洗室。本是疲累的,他在他的床上。The ladybird is in the toilet. Ben is tired, He is on his bed.

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“这是我的树”瓢虫说。“这是我的树”松鼠说。This is my tree, "said the ladybird . "This is my tree, "said the squirrel.

本,霍利和加斯东的小鸟儿找到了一个在草地上蓝色的大蛋。Ben, Holly and Gaston the Ladybird have found a large blue egg in the meadow.

一个名为小丑瓢虫调查的网上观测数据库正在追踪这种昆虫对英国的入侵。The Harlequin Ladybird Survey, an online database of sightings, is tracking the U.

他们还会保护他们的牧群。在这里,瓢虫远远要比一只狼更加危险。They also protect their herds. On this scale, a ladybird is more dangerous than a wolf.

因此人们开始引进一种称作“小丑瓢虫”的亚洲物种,以此作为控制自然虫害的手段。So people began importing an Asian species called the harlequin ladybird as natural pest control.

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小甲虫,也称为瓢虫,食蚜小,软昆虫,看起来像小粒大米。Ladybugs , also called ladybird beetles, eat aphids-small, soft insects that look like tiny grains of rice.

当欧洲的瓢虫吃小丑瓢虫的卵和幼虫的同时,也吃掉了微孢子虫。When European ladybug species eat the harlequin ladybird eggs and larvae, they also consume the microsporidia.

随着鲜红的翅膀斑点与七个小的黑点,一般的小鸟儿是一个值得欢迎的访客花园。With its scarlet wings speckled with seven small black spots, the ladybird is generally a welcome visitor to the garden.

这些卵变成幼瓢虫之后就是园丁们最好的朋友之一了,它们是凶猛的食肉动物,尤其针对粉虱与红蜘蛛。These eggs turn into ladybird larvae, which are among the biggest friends we gardeners have. They're ferocious predators on problem whitefly and red spider mite.

小甲虫,也称为瓢虫,食蚜小,软昆虫,看起来像小粒大米。蚜虫吸果汁从园林植物,并杀死他们。Ladybugs, also called ladybird beetles, eat aphids-small, soft insects that look like tiny grains of rice. Aphids suck the juices from garden plants and kill them.