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收放纸体系有阻力。The 1 retractable paper system resistance.

选择张力,伸缩或可折叠旗帜的立场。Choose from tension, telescoping or retractable banner stand.

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方便的可伸缩的毛笔是伟大的触摸式窗口的功能。The handy retractable brush is great for touch-ups on the go.

似乎有个问题是针对可缩放的耳机线。There seems to be a problem with the retractable earphone cord.

伸缩式吹灰器前进和转向行程后退指示。Forward and reverse travel indication for retractable sootblowers.

一旦电机超载,伸缩式吹灰器能自动伸缩缩回。Automatic retraction of retractable sootblowers upon motor overload.

平面折梁单元是可开启结构中的常用单元类型。Planar multi-angulated beams are commonly used in retractable structures.

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转瞬间,水柱缩回泉口,一切复归平静。Suddenly, the water column retractable -chuen, mouth, all reverted to calm.

牛仔球场是一个拥有可伸缩的圆拱形屋顶,位于德州阿灵顿。Cowboys Stadium is a domed stadium with a retractable roof in Arlington, Texas.

你可以通过桌面上的可伸缩条来显示来自社交网站的信息流。You can run your social streams as a retractable bar above your desktop screen.

直升飞机液压-操作可收放前三点轮式起落架。The helicopter has hydraulically-operated retractable tricycle type landing gear.

可收缩的爪子让它们在爬上树或裤脚时能抓紧。A set of retractable claws give them good purchase when scaling trees or trouser legs.

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下一个,是罗马人的乌鸦吊,就是古代用来登上敌人船舰的木板。Next, the Roman Corvus, the ancient plank designed to board an enemy ship."Retractable

美国军方并未复制狐狼的坚不可摧的骨骼以及自由伸缩的利爪。The military didn't replicate Wolverine's indestructible skeleton and retractable claws.

而可伸缩的阅读灯是方便与盖打开或折叠回来。And the retractable reading light is easily accessible with the cover open or folded back.

用舒适新型材料,便于排汗透气,令人收放自如。New materials with comfortable, easy to breathable perspiration, it is freely retractable.

最近我对网线使用了一个聪明的革新,那就是可伸缩导线。One clever innovation that I recently got with my ethernet cable was a retractable spindle.

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可伸缩的玻璃窗,可调节的百叶窗,为高强度设计提供了低技术解决办法。Retractable glazing and operable louvers provide low-tech solutions with a high impact design.

它是一种在煤矿井下压力出现变化时不变形的可缩性风门。The retractable air door has no deformation when the downhole pressure of a coal mine changes.

从奢华的羊皮地板到美轮美奂的外部装饰,幻影出现的本身就是对豪华最好的诠释。From the sheepskin floor mats to the retractable winged hood ornament, the Phantom is a luxury.