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在家也能成为奥马哈先知。Be the Oracle of Omaha at home.

Google是能让人们转向的圣贤。Google is the oracle of redirection.

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甲骨文是象形文字。Oracle inscriptions are pictographs.

但这些都是甲骨文公司销售的产品。But these are products that Oracle sells.

Oracle建议的经验值是10。Oracle recommends an empirical value of 10.

在反托拉斯方面甲骨文似乎也是安全的。In terms of antitrust, Oracle also seems safe.

这个神示殿在公元前332年依然很兴旺。This oracle was still flourishing in 332 B. C.

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第五章整理何组所见气象卜辞。Chapter five sysemizes Ho Group Weather Oracle.

神堂弟子从神殿内出来碰到了谈德。Oracle comes out from the shrine and meets Damdeok.

因此,这位“奥马哈先知”正在忙些什么呢?So what exactly has the Oracle of Omaha been up to?

他的声音从竖井下升起,如同天启神喻。His voice rose from the shaft like that of an oracle.

因为太阳神阿波罗的旨意,人们建立了神示所Because there the god Apollo had established an oracle.

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最起码的底线还是有钱可赚。The bottom line is Oracle is in business to make money.

从那以后,我们和甲骨文再没有任何接触。There has been no other contact with Oracle since then.

但是这位奥马哈先知还是面临一些不确定性。But the Oracle of Omaha faces a few uncertainties ahead.

你会花多少钱跟奥哈马市的圣人共进午餐呢?How much would you pay to dine with the Oracle of Omaha?

所以你去了神示所,会问什么呢So, you go to the oracle and what do you ask the oracle?

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老一代人将他的教导当作圣言。His teachings is accept as oracle by the older generation.

利慕伊勒王的言语,是他母亲教训他的真言The sayings of King Lemuel-an oracle his mother taught him

让朗朗的诵经声治疗我心灵的创伤。And to cure the trauma of my soul with the oracle of Buddha.