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~锻炼骨盆底。Exercise your pelvic floor.

性,强健骨盆底部肌肉群。Sex Strengthens Pelvic Floor Muscles

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保持背部及骨盆平贴地面。Keep back and pelvic area flat on floor.

那么,盆腔炎治愈后复发怎么办呢?So, after cure pelvic infection recurrence?

很多女性不止一项盆底病变。Many women had more than one pelvic floor disorder.

盆腔炎患者可以过夫妻生活吗?Pelvic inflammatory disease patients can be a life?

一些酒楼也会将餐巾垫在骨盘下面。A few wine shop also can be in napkin mat pelvic below.

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PSN是对环节正中盆腔疼痛的最有效的治疗方法。PSN is most effective for relieving midline pelvic pain.

这同样适用于骨盆腔的静脉和松质骨出血。The same applies to venous and cancellous pelvic bleeds.

在以上的图片中,我们展示了18种导致盆腔疼痛的常见原因。In the slides ahead, we explore 18 causes of pelvic pain.

排粪时胸肌、膈肌、腹壁肌及盆膈肌收缩,均压迫消化管。Chest, abdominal, and pelvic muscles are used to pass them.

目的探讨盆腔脓肿的治疗方法。Objective To explore treatment methods of pelvic abscesses.

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长鱼,没有骨盆鳍和带状物,或已经退化。Elongate fishes with pelvic fins and girdle absent or reduced.

盆底肌电刺激可增加尿道控尿能力。Electrical pelvic floor stimulating can improve the continence.

凯格尔训练可以锻炼增强骨盆底肌肉的力量。Kegel exercises can strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor.

骨盆骨折的出现增加了患者死亡的危险性。The presence of a pelvic fracture increases this mortality risk.

认识经常被忽略、隐藏在骨盆底的核心肌肉群。Often overlooked, hidden in the core of the pelvic floor muscles.

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卵巢囊肿可通过盆腔检查及超声检查确诊。Ovarian cysts can be identified with a pelvic exam or ultrasound.

盆腔痛是指发生在腹部脐部以下的疼痛。Pelvic pain refers to pain in the abdomen below the belly button.

简单的简单和有效的方法来增强你的骨盆底。The simple easy and effective way to strengthen your pelvic floor.