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杯状蚴已具备成虫神经系统的雏形。The Cotylocidium have found to possessing nervous system rudiment.

事实上,产生原基的倾向,有时的确是这样遗传的。A mere tendency to produce a rudiment is indeed sometimes thus inherited.

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分子间的相互作用势也是物态方程理论计算的基础。The molecular interaction is the rudiment of theoretical calculation of matter function.

技击地雏形则与阶层、国度发生之后地战争有关。Martial arts the rudiment of criterion and class, country produced after the war related.

狗、猫、大鼠的十字隆凸呈发育不全状态,形状似小丘。The rudiment of the eminentia cruciata, a hillock like process in shape, is found in dog, cat and rat.

我们由此就有了一种“习惯”的胚种或者雏形,这是在“地美士第”或判决的概念之后的一种概念。Here we have the germ or rudiment of a Custom, a conception posterior to that of Themistes or judgments.

设立中公司是指公司登记注册完成,依法成立前的公司雏形。The establishing corporation is the corporation rudiment before legal building which is after the register.

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ERP系统初具雏形,需要尽快投入试用,以便发现问题与不足,并加以改进。A rudiment of ERP system should be put into production for trial to find problem and false for further promotion.

直接诱因是随着15世纪末的地理大发现,国际市场已现雏形。With the discovery of geography in the later 15th century, the rudiment of international market was direct inducement.

精准农业是当今世界农业发展的新潮流,是未来农业发展的雏形。Precision agriculture is the latest trend in contemporary agriculture, and is the rudiment of agriculture in the future.

亚马逊接下来发现,可以把这些空闲的资源打包卖给自己的不少客户,这便形成了云计算的雏形。Yamaxun discovers next, can bale these disengaged resource many clients that sell oneself, this formed cloud calculative rudiment.

随着现代通讯与信息技术的突飞猛进,在美国等西方发达市场经济国家已形成网络经济的雏形并向全球扩展。With the rapid advancement of modern communication and information technology, rudiment of network economy has been formed in the U.

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其创始人兼CEO周品前阵规划的“网上宜家”版图渐现雏形。Before its author holds CEO Zhoupin concurrently blast of the program " home of the appropriate on the net " domain fade-in rudiment.

已有的博弈论史的研究主要或是从社会史的角度或是从经济学思想史的角度展开的,有一定的片面性。Till now there is not an agreed-on history of Game Theory, even not a unified opinion on how the theory was developed in its rudiment.

并且,从红山文化的墓葬特点来看,红山玉器已初具礼器的雏形。Besides, the forms of the jade are coincident wonderfully. Therefore, the jade of Hongshan culture had been the rudiment of the ritual wares.

本部分主要对马克思主义政治观的基础知识进行论述,奠定分析问题的理论基础。In this part, it mainly discusses the rudiment of the political view of Marxism and establishes the theoretical foundation of analysing questions.

所有这些分析结果,皆支持了考古学家关于凌家滩“红陶块”为砖的雏型的推测。All of these results support strongly the archaeologist' conjecture that the "red burnt clay" from Lingjiatan site should be the rudiment of brick.

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这项技术把静电除尘的基本原理和烟尘控制方法结合起来,从而达到就地净化开放性烟尘的目的。The technology combines rudiment of ESP with method of controlling somke and dust, thus attaining the aim purifying somke and dust right on the spot.

完成了对几种芯片雏形进行了测试,对实验结果进行了分析,对设计进行了优化,提高了传感器的性能,其中包括精度,稳定性以及线性。Data based on the test of the chip rudiment were analyzed so that we can optimize the design to improve the performance of the sensors including precision, stability and linearity.

且每款工艺饰品从构思到设计,从选材到制作,从产品的陈列展示到入驻家用,都融入了现代艺术、时尚流行、实用精美的艺术气质风范。Each product is a combination of modern art, fashion and practical approaches, since its mental rudiment to design, material selection to production, exhibition to being put to use.