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每一个原型都有自己的长处,短处,天性,和恐惧。Every archetype has strengths, weaknesses, gifts, and fears.

金凯瑞挑战可爱疯子的喜剧刻版印象。Mr. Carrey defies the comic archetype of the lovable lunatic.

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最后一章原型理论的评价性分析。The final chapter is evaluative analysis of archetype theory.

秀拉·匹斯是尤利西斯原型及撒旦原型的复合与置换。The archetype of Sula Peace is a mixture of Ulysses and Satan.

酒神,一向是西方艺术的最根本的永恒原型。Dionysus is eternally the fundamental archetype in western art.

混凝土防渗墙原型监测结果及其分析。Concrete impervious wall archetype inspect result and its analyze.

奶白色和花刺绣,永远的少女风。Milk-white and embroidered flowers, symbols of the maiden archetype.

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雅典娜原型者往往会被配偶欺骗。The spouse may recurrently cheat upon the one with Athena archetype.

一个强有力的原型可以产生直接而强大的感情纽带。A strong archetype can create an immediate and powerful emotional bond.

这种受伤但无畏的硬汉原型让人感觉疲劳而且没有独创性。The damaged-but-fearless-tough-guy archetype feels tired and unoriginal.

有人认为龙的原型是扬子鳄。Some people think that the Yanzi crocodile is the archetype of the dragon.

那么,最后这种原型,就是本-沙哈尔称作的快乐原型。The final archetype, then, is what Ben-Shahar calls the happiness archetype.

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文学实际就是古代的神话原型在各个时代的“置换变形”。Actually, literature is the evolution of the archetype of ancient mythologies.

放纵的,不食人间烟火的法官是一个保守的漫画的原型。The indulgent, other-worldly judge is an archetype of conservative caricature.

从某个角度看,御手洗似乎是典型的日本商人。Viewed from one angle, Mr Mitarai seems the archetype of a Japanese businessman.

除此之外,对于原型只需要包含一次实际样式代码。Additionally, you need to include the actual style code only once for an archetype.

政府计划使这一项目成为今后所有水族馆的典范。The government plans to make this project the archetype for all future public aquariums.

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但是这个典型失败了,因为倒影并不比本人更完美。But here the archetype fails because the reflection is not more perfect than the original.

今天在基督教正统派中的很多狂热分子就反映了这一行动原型。Many a present day fantasist in Christian fundamentalism reflects this archetype in action.

CWIS原型系统采用UML表示法进行面向对象的分析和设计。The archetype of BUCT-CWIS system uses UML to represent the object-oriented analysis and design.