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她带了一个鼓鼓囊囊的帆布包。She carried a filled canvas satchel.

他把他的书包扣在他的自行车上。He buckled his satchel on to his bicycle.

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Stolte拿出一个小皮包。Stolte takes out a small leather satchel.

她的手提包里装著口香片,接吻时吃的糖果。Phila of cachous, kissing comfits, in her satchel.

你发现了一个背包里面有加隆,你会怎么做?You found a satchel in Galleons, what would you do?

任何一个普通人都买的起一个便宜的尼龙包。Any common laborer can afford a cheap nylon satchel.

你发现了一个背包里面有加隆,你会怎么做?If you found a satchel in Galleons, what would you do?

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打开书箱,取出了她父亲的手套来。She opened her satchel and took out her father's gloves.

用炸药包把祖鲁航点的路障摧毁。Destroy roadblock at waypoint Zulu with a satchel charge.

小孩跑了过去,书包在身后一颠一颠地。With his satchel trailing behind him, the small ran past.

在他们脚边放着有一包这个村子最好的面包和奶酪。At their feet lay a satchel of the village's best breads and cheese.

跨上书包,不带笔纸,我在心里,为你写诗。Take my satchel without pen and paper, I write poetry for you in my heart.

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一名男子一手挥着砍刀,一手拽过女子的挎包。A man single-handedly waved machetes in one hand and a woman, Ye Guo's satchel.

这个小书包整个展开就是个大袋子,书包的口袋盖本身也是个小袋子。The satchel unfurls into a larger bag and the flap become a smaller bag itself.

他将左手放松,但却紧紧抓住了半开口的小背包。He rested his left handlightly but firmly on the half-opened flap of his satchel.

他注意到德里克左手挎着一个背包,右手拿着粒子枪。He noticed that Derek was carrying a satchel in his left hand, a gun in his right.

他把背包和粒子枪给了约翰,然后向守卫走去。He handed the satchel to John and holstered his gun. He then approached the guards.

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他将左手放松,但却紧紧抓住了半开口的小背包。He rested his left handlightly but firmly on the half-opened flap of his satchel.

它由上好的绒面类材料制成,大小相当于一个小书包。The Moukisac is made of a nice suede-like material about the size of a small satchel.

一个脸色黝黑的学生打开书,敏捷地把书支在自己的书包盖底下。A swarthy boy opened a book and propped it nimbly under the breastwork of his satchel.