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它用华丽的词藻堆砌起来的散文劝诱和操纵读者。It is propagandistic and manipulates the reader with purple prose.

典型报道一直以来都是电视新闻宣传的拳头产品。Typical report has long been the most competitive product in TV propagandistic news.

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这里同样是新呼吸器、辐射量测定器和苏联宣传材料的储藏处。It is also a storehouse with new breathers, dosimeters and soviet propagandistic literature.

意识形态属性决定了文化具有宣教功能。Ideological attribute determines that culture has the propagandistic and educational function.

沉默是言说的基础,它是一种不言之言,具有丰富的传播内容。Silence is the base of words which is not a kind of verbal language with rich propagandistic content.

社会因素、群体因素、宣传因素、个性特点等是影响大学生心态的主要原因。The affections are from social factor, group factor, propagandistic factor and students' characteristic.

另外选适合自身特点的宣传方式,做好品牌推广的长远规划,这是低成本营销的关键。In addition, it is crux to do lower cost marketing choose the right propagandistic style to promote brands.

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下面人能找到的历史照片,由德国摄影师制成。他们中一部分是宣传。Below one can find the historical photos, made by German photographers. The part of them are propagandistic.

北京市委宣传部、市委统战部等部门领导视察健之素。The inspection of Health Essence from Beijing civil propagandistic department, civil controlling department.

此时这样一份公开声明大有裨益,因为它会在阿拉伯民众中产生强烈的宣传效果。A public declaration in this sense would be very useful for its propagandistic effect on the Arab peoples at this moment.

最后的房间是制造氧气的地方。这里同样是新呼吸器、辐射量测定器和苏联宣传材料的储藏处。Finally the room where oxygen is produced. It is also a storehouse with new breathers, dosimeters and soviet propagandistic literature.

翻译﹕我们需要请前往办理签证的同事帮忙索取以下两个项目的宣传资料。We hope that the colleagues who head to get their visas could help us to ask for the propagandistic files on the following two projects.

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希尔指出,最近北韩针对韩国的抨击“纯属政治宣传,而且完全是针对国内听众”。Hill dismisses recent North Korean rhetoric against the South as "entirely propagandistic" and directed "entirely at domestic audiences."

前者的主要缺陷是将犹太人描绘成圣洁的羔羊般无辜,并且结束二部影片更多的宣传。The former has the major flaw of depicting the Jewish people as saintly lamb-like innocents and ends up the much more propagandistic of the two films.

但是亚历山大和他的继业者所做的,是决定通过有意的政治宣传,用宗教融合,来维系他们的王国。But what Alexander and his successors did was they made sort of a conscious, propagandistic decision to use religious syncretism to bind together their kingdoms.

新闻传播兼有的信息与宣传功能要求强化受众意识的同时加强社会责任感等。The news communications communication function and propagandistic function require strengthening audience consciousness and society responsibility at the same time.

自助链接、搜索引擎、专家论坛、彩页、文化衫宣传及美国镜像等方式是进行系统推广的主要策略。Self-help link, search engine, expert forum, colorful propagandistic leaf, cultural T-shirt and American mirror image are the main policies to popularize the system.