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我能做点什么来预防冻伤呢?Is there anything that I should do about the frostbite?

如果冻伤只是浅表的,新的皮肤会长出来。If the frostbite is only superficial, new skin will form.

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最后她躲过了检查,但却被严重冻伤。She escaped undetected, but with a bad case of frostbite.

如果你在皮肤上发现硬的靑的冷的斑点,那你可能生了冻疮。If you notice a patch of hard, pale, cold skin, you may have frostbite.

皮肤如果暴露在极冷的天气下太长时间,就会引发冻伤。Frostbite is damage that happens when skin is extreme cold for too long.

北极土生居民血液循环状况更佳,可避免冻伤。People native to the Arctic have better circulation and avoid frostbite.

据国家气象局说,多长时间会生冻疮要视环境而定。How long it takes you to develop frostbite will depend on the conditions.

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如果你的皮肤变得苍白,红色,然后变成黑色,你就被冻伤了。You are getting frostbite if your skin goes a waxy, red color, then black.

他很清醒,略有体温过低的状况,好像还有些冻伤。He was conscious, slightly hypothermic and appeared to have some frostbite.

而处于远低于冰点的相当低温度中,冻疮更常见。And frostbite is more common at pretty low temperatures, well below freezing.

什麽?寒霜2的画面竟然会赢不了超热力追缉?真是可惜了这麽好的寒霜2引擎。The Run is not as pretty as Hot Pursuit, but the Frostbite 2 engine is well used.

冻伤仅仅影响到皮肤的话不会造成永久性的伤害。People with minor cases of frostbite that only the skin may not suffer any damage.

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但是除了有准备的人,户外娱乐也意味着冻疮和低温。But unless someone is prepared, outdoor fun can also mean frostbite and hypothermia.

强劲的风、潮湿的皮肤、紧身的衣服和饮酒会增加冻伤的危险性。High winds, wet skin, tight clothes, and alcohol use increase the risk of frostbite.

格伦沃尔德精心治疗他的冻伤,并把他掩藏到湖对岸的一处偏僻的棚屋里养伤。He treated Baalsrud’s frostbite and hid him in a remote shed across a lake to recover.

再次敷上冰块前,患处应完全恢复到温暖的状态,避免发生冻伤。Let the area warm completely before applying ice again, in order to prevent frostbite.

且不说这妄想症,我们确实需要关注的是气温降低后的冻疮和其它健康风险。Paranoia aside, when temperatures dip, frostbite and other health risks are real concerns.

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冻伤指脸部、耳朵、手指和脚趾表面组织的冻结。Frostbite describes the freezing of superficial tissues of the face, ears, fingers and toes.

不要忘了戴帽子或者系头带来保护您的耳朵,它也容易被冻伤。And don't forget a hat or headband to protect your ears, which also are vulnerable to frostbite.

阿拉斯加的气温可低至零下60摄氏度,使你有冻伤的危险。Temperatures in Alaska can reach as low as minus 60 degrees F, putting you at risk for frostbite.