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代达罗斯是他的儿子。Icarus is his son.

研究将会在Icarus杂志上刊登。The work will appear in the journal Icarus.

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还没有“伊卡洛斯”号或者SDF-3的消息,长官。Still no word from the Icarus or The SDF-3, sir.

骷髅中队长呼叫“伊卡洛斯”号。发生了什么,舰长?Skull Leader to Icarus. What's going on, Captain?

两个代词和一个喻词就是长了翅膀的伊卡洛斯。Two pronouns and a vehicle was Icarus with wings.

一旦“伊卡洛斯”号准备好出发,我将需要你在最好的状态。Once the Icarus is ready to go, I'll need you in top form.

指挥“伊卡洛斯”号去奥米克戎区找到上将。Take the Icarus to the Omicron sector to find the Admiral.

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一旦“伊卡洛斯”号修复,你就能返回奥米克戎区。Once the Icarus is repaired you can return to Omicron Sector.

这里是引喻他为飞行先驱的意思,在这里也并不重要。Reaction has not changed since Icarus , and is unimportant here.

代达罗斯和他的儿子伊卡洛斯是克里特岛上的囚犯。Daedalus and his son Icarus were prisoners on the island of Crete.

我希望“伊卡洛斯”号尽快修复并执行任务。I want the Icarus repaired and back in action as soon as possible.

我们需要把“伊卡洛斯”号更换为没有阴影技术的船。We need to trade the Icarus for something without Shadow technology.

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你就是斯科特·伯纳德少校吧,救了“伊卡洛斯”号的人。And you're Lieutenant Commander Scott Bernard, the man who saved the Icarus.

那么好吧,文斯。指挥“伊卡洛斯”号去奥米克戎区找到上将。Okay then, Vince. Take the Icarus to the Omicron sector to find the Admiral.

伊卡络斯违背了父亲的指示,高高地朝太阳飞去。Icarus disobeyed his father's instructions and began soaring towards the sun.

伊卡络斯违背了父亲的指示,高高地朝太阳飞去。Icarus disobeyed his father's instructions and began soaring towards the sun.

那肯定是在伊卡洛斯和莱特兄弟之间的年代。That’s certainly somewhere in the gap between Icarus and the Wright brothers.

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只要点一下“Debug”按钮,Icarus就可以在调试器中运行测试。Icarus can now run tests under the debugger with just one click of the "Debug" button.

尽管自己身负重伤,伊卡鲁斯仍努力克服身处这个未知世界所带来的恐惧,并且还获得重生。Despite being wounded, Icarus struggles to overcome his fears in this unknown world and is reborn.

我思考了这款游戏的核心,我感到小伊卡洛斯是个稍显滑稽的角色。In thinking about the game, what is the core of the game, I feel that Kid Icarus is slightly comical.