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这就是一根芒刺。That was the insect sting.

你是跟屁虫吗?Are you heel fart an insect?

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这树上有一窝蜜蜂。A bee is a very useful insect.

虫子在门底下爬行。The insect crept under the door.

虫子的叮咬痒痒了一整夜。The insect bite itched all night.

那只昆虫抖动它的触角。The insect quivered its antennae.

猫的腿比虫子的腿少。A cat has fewer legs than an insect.

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这药膏对于昆虫蜇伤有效。Thee cream is good for insect bites.

猫的腿比虫子的腿少。A cat have fewer legs than an insect.

他举出苍蝇作为肮脏昆虫的例子。He instanced the fly as dirty insect.

她将昆虫从脸上弹掉。She flipped the insect from her face.

蝉是一种非常乖巧的小虫。The cicada is a clever little insect.

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这昆虫紧紧抓住猎物不放。The insect anchored fast to its prey.

暂且称之为昆虫式的性前戏吧。Call it the insect version of foreplay.

蝎,节肢动物纲毒虫。Scorpion is arthropod poisonous insect.

哈利有一个昆虫,一个昆虫在广口瓶里。Harry has an insect, an insect in a jar.

这是经常被用来作为一种驱蚊剂。It is often used as an insect repellent.

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我的前女友就像竹节虫一样。My ex-girlfriend is like a stick insect.

他在花园里被虫子咬了一口。He was bitten by an insect in the garden.

欢迎光临中兴大学昆虫分类研究室!Welcome to Laboratory of Insect Taxonomy!