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这是一个严重的错误。That is a grave miscalculation.

目前看来,这点他们算错了。As of now, it looks like a miscalculation.

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这是一种危险性与日俱增的误算。It is an increasingly dangerous miscalculation.

廉价的信贷带来了贪婪、误算,最终是灾难。Cheap credit causes greed, miscalculation and eventually ruin.

这是非常大的误算,你不会这样说吗?That was a miscalculation of rare magnitude, wouldn't you say?

他对选民需求的错估让他的选举失利。His miscalculation about what voters want made him lose the election.

在如此互不信任的氛围下,双方都有失算。In such an atmosphere of mistrust, miscalculation rules on both sides.

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他补充说道,类似的训练会“减少误解与误判的风险。”Such training "reduces the risk of miscalculation or misjudgment", he added.

亚洲世界出版社感觉像是一个意外,这本书则是一个严重的失算。Asian World Press feels like an accident and the book a severe miscalculation.

这是中国的误算?他们可能想要转移人们对国内问题的注意力。A miscalculation by the Chinese communists? They probably want to distract attention from an internal issue.

我们还努力增加透明度,降低两国军队之间发生误判与失误的风险。We are also working to increase transparency and reduce the risk of miscalculation or miscues between our militaries.

盖茨和梁都强调合作将扩大双方的利益避免误解和误判。Gates and Liang both stressed that the cooperation will expand mutual interests and avoid misunderstanding and miscalculation.

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不得基于任何原因就上述费用之计算错误或未支付承担法律责任。FXCM shall not be responsible or liable for any miscalculation or non-payment of the above-referenced fees for any reason whatsoever.

但只有通过探讨范围广泛的议题,包括敏感议题在内,我们才能帮助减少误解和误判的风险。But only by discussing a diverse range of topics, including sensitive ones, can we help mitigate the risk of misperception and miscalculation.

尽管如此,广义相对论的早期版本有一个重大错误——算错了因重力导致的光束弯曲的数值。Despite that, the early version of general relativity had a major error, a miscalculation of the amount a light beam would bend due to gravity.

然而在这个民族主义盛行、领土纠纷紧张、军备竞赛比比皆是的地区,误算或者不当的傲慢可能导致悲剧。Yet in a region where nationalism is rife, territorial disputes fester, and arms races abound, miscalculation or misplaced hubris could lead to tragedy.

然而,韩朝海军之间在西海发生战术对抗的风险可能因为误算或扩张而增加。There is, however, a growing risk of a tactical confrontation between the Korean navies in the West Sea that runs the risk of miscalculation and escalation.

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但劳夫林博士还说他们实际上并不赞同“地球移轨工程”,表示误算会导致彗星撞击地球。But Dr. Laughlin said they were actually not advocating the orbit-shifting project, noting that a miscalculation could lead to the comet's hitting the Earth.

所以,当我们提心吊胆地看着我们的客房,想象着如果我们有精力和弹性来接受一个家庭成员,我们也许犯了一个基本的错误。So when we nervously eye our spare rooms, wondering if we have the stamina and resilience to take in a family member, we may be making a fundamental miscalculation.

一位带领跑车内行车手的法拉利领队,由于一个小失误,在日本的高速公路上留下了扭曲的意大利碎片和德国的废铜烂铁。A single miscalculation from a Ferrari driver leading a convoy of sports car connoisseurs left a trail of twisted Italian and German metal trailing across this motorway in Japan.