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我很欣赏艾琳。I like Irene.

艾琳雇佣了一帮强健的男子。Irene hired a group of strong men.

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艾琳过境处许多州宣布进入灾难状态。Many states in the path of Irene declared disasters.

为陈李慧莲姊妹、丘黄淑坤姊妹外游平安祷告。Pray for Irene and Cenney to have a safe travelling.

正如你看到的,爱琳真的很喜欢弹钢琴。As you can see, Irene really likes to play the piano.

我的妈妈是Irene,爸爸是Cliff,哥哥是。Clifton Irene B West, Cliff and Clifton Lincoln West.

好的,我的兄弟,首先从艾琳娜,克里夫谈起。Well, my dear brother, it begins with the Irene Cliff.

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25岁的时候,艾琳的第一本小说给她带来了名声。At the age of 25, Irene won her fame by her first novel.

我的名字是艾琳我是管野部服务员。My name is Irene I'm the housekeeping Department waiter.

伊琳站起来,脸上和身上忽然射出愤怒。Irene rose, something wild suddenly in her face and figure.

他告诉我,伊伦•罗伯茨老师现在就在礼堂下面的教室里上课。Irene Roberts, he tells me, is in the class just down the hall.

于是艾琳渴望去远至她能够到达的地方旅游。So Irene longed to travel to places as far as she could arrive.

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但很快,她因偷入边境而被捕了。But soon Irene was arrested because of stealing into the border.

如果对这次飓风损失估计有效的话,飓风艾琳将使2011年成为美国自然灾害次数破纪录的一年。If damage estimates hold, Irene would make 2011 a record-breaker.

我是叶爱莲。我喜欢狗和古怪的人。有时喜欢手袋。I am Irene Yip. I like dogs and freaks . And I like handbags, sometimes.

伊雷娜会被士兵们可怕的伤势吓到吗?Would Irène be traumatized by the sight of the soldiers' horrific wounds?

爱米丽用一只指头抵着嘴,可是,伊琳两个字已。Emily laid her finger on her lips, but the word Irene had caught James's ear.

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艾琳的余波过后,受其影响的各州州长都在颂扬联邦应急管理局。Governors from both sides of the aisle are praising FEMA in the wake of Irene.

艾琳是在飓风活跃季节里已经预测到第一号飓风。Irene is the first hurricane for what has been forecast to be an active season.

当他回到家时,玛丽和小埃莉尼正在公寓的门口迎接他。When he came home, Marie and little Irene met him at the door of the apartment.