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我可以吃个冰棒吗?Can I have a Popsicle?

我想要回我的半根冰棒。I want my Popsicle back.

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你吃过白豆炭棍。You"ve eaten a red bean popsicle."

这“老冰棍”是什么样子?This is the "old Popsicle" is like?

是谁建的巨型Belltown冰棒?Who built the giant Belltown popsicle?

拿一支雪糕把一杯刚冲的咖啡搅匀。Use a popsicle to mix up a cup of hot coffee.

现在的你,最想吃下面哪根冰棒?Which Popsicle Will You Choose in This Moment?

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这只猴子的冰棒几乎就跟它自己一样大。This monkey's popsicle is almost as big as it is.

冬天你是我的优乐美,夏天你是我的冰棒。In winter, you are my baby, you are my summer popsicle.

经过一晚的夜车在风雨中的旅行,老公的身体已经冻如冰棍。His body became a popsicle after bus travel whole night.

在盛夏午后来支冰棒是最好不过了。There's nothing like a Popsicle on a hot summer afternoon.

冰棍棒将作桥梁。一座沙城就要建成。Popsicle sticks will be bridges. A sandcastle will be built.

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看起来好像有人把冰棒棍子扔了进来。Looks like somebody stuffed a bunch of popsicle sticks down there.

我是你冬天里的太阳,夏天里的冰棒,阴天的大雨伞。I you are in the winter sun, summer popsicle , Cloudy big umbrella.

你认为自己吃得下大小只比你自己小一点的冰棒吗?Do you think you could eat a popsicle that was only a little bit smaller than you?

什么东西吃起来像葡萄棒冰,但却又小又圆,无糖且低卡路里呢?What tastes like a grape popsicle but is small, round, sugar-free and low in calories ?

我喜欢灯光昏暗的面店、浓烟滚滚的烧烤羊肉和路边小贩的冰棒箱。I loved the dimly lit noodle shops, the smoking mutton grills and the street-side Popsicle freezers.

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哭笑不得,本来再结束前可以赢得比赛让朋友请吃冰棒的。Dumbfounding, have been able to win again before the end of the game, please let friends eat a popsicle.

曾今,我还是个孩子的时候,在一个86度的天气里,当我离波斯顿还有17英里时,就有人给了我一支冰棒!For me, it was once a kid at mile 17 of the Boston Marathon who handed me a popsicle on an 86 degree day.

人们可以看出拉切尔和露西是,因为她们有一模一样的雪糕似的厚嘴唇,他们家所有人的嘴唇都是那样的。Not the way you can tell with Rachel and Lucy who have the same fat popsicle lips like everybody else in their family.