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于是大流士王立这禁令,加盖玉玺。So King Darius put the decree in writing.

最后的判决解除了他们的婚姻关系。The final decree dissolved their marriage.

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帝王借我坐国位。君王借我定公平。By me kings reign, and princes decree justice.

哈曼所下的残酷谕旨迅速传达。The news of Haman's cruel decree was soon spreaded.

总统坦贾解散了两个部门,按照总统律令对国家进行统治。President Tandja dissolved both bodies and now rules by decree.

父皇在圣旨中叫其捉拿反贼。The father in the imperial decree that its take back the thief.

克拉克总统今日签署一项法案,颁布戒严令。President clark has signed a decree today declaring martial law.

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执行高管通常由政府任命在不同金融机构轮调。Executives are rotated between institutions by government decree.

为雅各伯立为不移的规条,向以色列立为永远的盟约。He confirmed his decree to Jacob, to Israel his eternal covenant.

1975年8月,巴林君主以皇家敕令解散了国会。In August 1975, the emir dissolved the parliament by royal decree.

这对夫妻今天在伦敦法庭同意了签署离婚判决书。The couple gr anted a divorce decree tod ay in a London courtroom.

在东方教会中﹐阿他拿修的这封信﹐有教会官方决定的权威。Athanasius' letter took the status of a decree in the Eastern church.

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它下令摧毁所有的圣坛与高地。It will decree the destruction of all of these altars and high places.

紧急状态令禁止公共示威和所有独立新闻广播。The decree banned public demonstrations and all independent newscasts.

穆尔西说,他所发布的任何声明或法律,法院都无权更改。He says that any decree or law he issues cannot be challenged in court.

在该法令的1888年也已列入障碍的秘密活动。In the decree of 1888 is also included the impediment of clandestinity.

随后,卡尔扎伊利用一个立法漏洞通过了这项修正法案。Karzai then used a legislative loophole to pass the revision by decree.

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在本命令中,判令指离婚判令或婚姻无效判令。In this Order a decree means a decree of divorce or nullity of marriage.

卡尔扎伊总统有关提前举行选举的法令遭到广泛质疑。President Karzai's decree to move the election up has been widely questioned.

“令”是现存隋法的基本形式,也是林业法制的基本形式。The decree is the basic style of law and forestry law in stock of Sui Dynasty.