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米莉正面临驱逐出境。Milly is facing deportation.

他如今注重于边界安全和递解非法移民问题。He now focuses on border security and deportation of illegal immigrants.

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超声波清洗机全自动完成工件移送、清洗、干燥。Automatically finish the deportation of the workpieces, cleaning, drying,.

美国大使馆呼吁立即释放薛峰并把他遣返回美国。It called for Xue Feng's immediate release and deportation to the United States.

塞拉亚的诸多错误并不能成为他清早被捕并被立即流放的理由。Mr Zelaya’s many faults did not justify his early-morning arrest and summary deportation.

确实——加拿大的遣返过程的时间长得有时候让加拿大本国人都无语。Fair enough – the length of deportation processes in Canada sometimes baffles Canadians, too.

一些伊拉克人因为害怕被驱逐而有意识的避开约旦政府的监督。Some Iraqis here are intentionally staying off Jordan's radar screen for fear of deportation.

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即使你非滞留美国或者正处于被驱逐或拒绝入境的情况中,你也可以提出申请。You can file even if you're in the U-S illegally, or in deportation or exclusion proceedings.

中和指的是“让他闭嘴,用驱逐来威胁他退出政治运动”。Neutralizing means silencing him, getting him out of the picture through this deportation threat.

流亡到巴比伦后,耶苛尼雅生了沙耳提耳,沙耳提耳是则鲁巴贝耳的父亲。After the deportation to Babylon Jechoniah was the father of Salathiel and Salathiel of Zerubbabel.

她说,他们可能住在公寓里,可能没有身份证件,还可能被驱赶或者被驱逐出境。She says they may be living in apartments, may lack documents and may face eviction or deportation.

联合国的一个监督机构联合国消除种族歧视委员会正在敦促法国停止把吉普赛人集体递解出境的做法。UN Watchdog Group is urging France to stop the collective deportation of Roma, also known as Gypsies.

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如果引渡或驱逐出境都不可能实现,那么在当地接受审判就是免罪之外的唯一选择了。If extradition or deportation is not possible, trials on the spot are the only alternative to impunity.

萨文迪先生成长于纳粹时期的一个犹太家庭,他曾躲在干草垛里以免遭驱逐。Growing up in a Jewish family during the Nazi occupation, Mr. Salvendy hid in haystacks to escape deportation.

马日瓦欧贝蒂坚持说卡塔尔对她家人很友好,一直到她们离境的最后几小时。Marwa al-Obeidi maintained that Qatar was friendly with the family until the last few hours before deportation.

起初在肯尼亚的奥尼扬戈因早期的驱除出境命令而被美国民政局逮捕。Onyango Obama, originally from Kenya, is being detained by US Immigration as he has an earlier deportation order.

他们是以美国人的身份长大的,宣誓效忠美国,但却每天生活在将被驱逐的威胁之下。They grew up as Americans and pledge allegiance to our flag, and yet live every day with the threat of deportation.

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在1953年有个纪录片,关于遣送犹太人,从巴黎,也有一部电影是关于这事的In 1953 there was a documentary made about the deportation of Jews, from Paris, and there was a film made about this.

但它同时又规定任何藐视地方习俗的不恰当行为都可能导致罚款,遭到诉讼或被驱逐出境。But it also stipulates that improper behaviour that flouts local customs may lead to fines, prosecution or deportation.

确实——加拿大的遣返过程的时间长得有时候让加拿大本国人都无语。Lai was before the courts. Fair enough – the length of deportation processes in Canada sometimes baffles Canadians, too.