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你脖子上那个是吻痕吗?Is that a hickey on your neck?

哇,你脖子上的那个是唇印吧?Wow! Is that a hickey on your neck?

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希基被拘捕,几个月后处以绞刑。Hickey was arrested, and a few months later hanged.

在希望城市前面的印点是不能接受的。Hickey in City of Hope circle on front is not acceptable.

当别人盯著她脖子上的吻痕看时,她脸都泛红了。The girl blush when people stared at all the hickey on her neck.

希基说,金融危机前也是同样的状况。Hickey says the same was true in the run up to the financial crisis.

欧洲奥委会主席希基说,抵制奥运从来没有起过作用。European Olympic Comittees head Patrick Hickey said boycott never worked.

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欧洲奥委会主席希基说,抵制奥运从来没有起过作用。European Olympic Committees head Patrick Hickey said boycotts never worked.

那盘青豌豆端到华盛顿桌上。希基站在一旁,不动声色。Hickey stood silently when the dish of green peas was served to Washington.

美国俄勒冈州波特兰的阿曼达•海基是这个新航线的第一批客人。Amanda Hickey of Portland, Ore. is one of the new airline's first customers.

今天我第一次跟男朋友搞,他在我身上无法遮掩的地方留了个吻痕。Today, I made out with my friend for the first time. He gave me a hickey that can't be hidden.

希基把中国汇率政策视为在美国抢占市场份额的“重商主义计划”的组成部分。Mr Hickey sees China's currency policy as part of “a mercantilist plan” to gain market share in the US.

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此外,还有一个大“吻痕”或点被误印在了其中一份希望城市圆,在前面的中央位置。Also, there was mistakenly printed a large"hickey" or spot in one of the City of Hope circles in the center of the front panel.

西吉认为,现时各公司均处于弱势,而买入领先的科技股的看跌期权正是好时机。Hickey sees weakness all about and opportunities to take advantage by buying puts on technology leaders. Here’s a smattering of his discoveries

尽管如此,Hickey表示,历史数据暗示,当市场呈现涨势过度的上述迹象后,其后的一个月会有强劲表现.Still, historical data suggests strong performance for the following month after such high signs of an overextended market in the previous month, Hickey said.

只是从他们的旅程,辛迪希基和劳拉法塔勒回来感谢让行,在那里她的儿子肖恩希基Bauer的接触学会了Shourd伊朗当局。Just back from their journey, Cindy Hickey and Laura Fattal thanked the Iranian authorities for allowing the trip, where Hickey learned of her son Shane Bauer's engagement to Shourd.

“他们坐在地板在我们面前,并宣布巴蒂尔曾在今年一月提出,当然他们问我们的许可和诺拉,我对此感到十分兴奋,”辛迪说,希基。"They sat on the floor in front of us and announced that Shane had proposed in January and they of course asked our permission and Nora and I am very excited about this, " said Cindy Hickey.