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墨西哥人的卧室最整洁。Mexico leads the way in bedroom tidiness.

他喜欢荒野草地的清洁和整齐。He preferred the cleanness and tidiness of the wild sod.

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外出或旅行时能让携带的物品保持整洁。It can keep the goods tidiness when you go out or travel.

整齐、舒适的空间,教官、舍监专人管理。Rooms of tidiness and comfort, supervised by military instructors.

在开过花之后它们可以被折断来增加植物活力和保持整洁。They can be sheared off after bloom to increasetheplants vigor and tidiness.

一些租户在内务和整洁方面缺乏可取的标准。Some tenants come short of a desirable standard in housekeeping and tidiness.

检查行李房和礼宾部柜台是否干净整洁。Check the cleanliness and tidiness of luggage storage room and concierge service counter.

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保持前台整洁,及时补充文具及其他物品。Maintain the tidiness of the Front Desk andreplenishment of stationery and other collateral items.

仍然居住在房子里,只要它能给予我们遮风避雨,以及安全、清洁、整齐即可。We live in house as long as it can offer safety, clearness , tidiness and shielding from rain and wind.

而且你应该好好整理自己的房间,因为这么做能够让你的大脑保持清醒。You should also live in tidiness because by keeping your home clean you also keep your mental state clear and peaceful.

唐楷整饬化是一个自然的发展过程,个别书家在这一过程中起了重要作用。The tidiness of the Tangkai was a natural developing process, and some individuals played an important role in this process.

对现场施工范围内的主干路进行管理和养护,设专人进行现场道路的清扫,保证道路的整洁。Administrate and maintain the trunk roads on construction site. Specific persons are in charge of road cleaning to ensure their tidiness.

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在某些情况下那些有关整洁的例子,像手术室、餐桌或个人所得税返还等例子,实在显得过分夸张。One is that it overstates the case. The case for tidiness in some environments—surgery, a dinner table or income tax returns—is really overwhelming.

在阿瑟·柯南·道尔的书中,福尔摩斯的朋友华生医生形容他“古怪,无视整洁有序的当代标准。”In the books by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, his friend, Dr Watson, describes Holmes as “eccentric, with no regard for contemporary standards of tidiness or good order.

整洁的生活环境也能使你的思路更为明朗,你也会更有效率,更好的掌控自己的生活。Live in tidiness and this will clear your mind too. You will become more productive and be in control of your life. This is one of the most overlooked self improvement ideas.

使用完毕务须检查电源是否确定关闭,并清理电器与炊煮区,垃圾携至垃圾场丢弃,以保持整洁。When finished you must check that appliances are turned off. Additionally, all appliances and the cooking area must be cleaned. Rubbish also needs to thrown out to maintain tidiness.

当局亦鼓励承建商实施“工地安全循环”,藉此提高工人的安全意识,使建筑工地得以妥善管理和保持整洁。Contractors have also been encouraged to implement a Site Safety Cycle to increase the safety awareness of workers and to maintain good housekeeping and tidiness on construction sites.

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但日本那特有的整洁,对工作的狂热,新生代的消极,总是会不时的浮现在我的脑海,已经深深烙印我的记忆深处。Yet, the tidiness so typical of Japan, its craziness about work and passiveness of the new generation, would come up from time to time, as they have left such a deep impression on my mind.

加入工艺冲片的制造工艺能保证斜槽转子导条槽形整齐,扭斜一致,插导条容易。It can ensure tidiness of groove shape for skewed rotor, accordance of the sheets tilted and easy to insert these conducting bars with the manufacturing process of inserting stamping sheet.

此法作业简单,容易操作,是防止三类苗、提高玉米田间植株整齐度、降低小穗株率的有效措施。The procedure was simple and available to operate, and prevented low_vigor seedlings from emerging, and improved field plant tidiness of maize, and reduced the rate of smaller ear of maize.