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让茶浸泡一会儿。Let the tea infuse for a while.

杜松子在伏特加里浸过夜。Infuse juniper in the vodka overnight.

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给我沏一壶龙井茶好吗?。Would you infuse a kettleofLongjing tea?

我们为美国文学注入新的活力。We infuse its literature with new energy.

让茶多泡几分钟使泡出味道来。Let the tea stand a few minutes to infuse.

山坡已经秃头了,请灌入生发剂。Mountain already bald, please infuse into hair restorer.

如果确有需要,我们将采取措施注入更多流动性。Steps will be taken to infuse more liquidity if required.

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我们已经能够半自动地输注胰岛素。We already are able to infuse insulin semi-automatically.

只有这样,才能使正法真正融入自相续。This, and only by this, can the Dharma truly infuse our minds.

血液在储血器内经多层过滤后存储至储血袋中,回输给病人。Blood infuse back to the patient after several times filtration.

当我耗尽时,以圣灵之光激励我。When I am burned out infuse me with the light of the Holy Spirt.

第二天早上加入其余调料和香草,再继续浸泡一整天。Add remaining spices and herbs in the morning and let infuse all day.

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拔出宝剑,感到剑锋的歌声为他注入了力量。Siggard drew his sword, felt the blade's song infuse him with strength.

尝试着增加设计美感有助于为房屋装修注入色彩。Helps infuse color to a house decor to attempt to increase design beauty.

为皮肤注入大量保湿成分,清爽不油腻,滋润一整天。Infuse skin with fresh, oil-free hydration all day, see it glow with health.

其目的是“接近这个精灵”,然后再由它将所有的设计决定注入其中。The goal was to “access this genius” and let it infuse all design decisions.

让吾为其注入吾生命之力,召唤彼至阳间。Let me infuse him with my life-force and awaken him to the world of the living!

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仔细修剪的山羊胡子也能给柔和的下巴增添正方形感。A carefully trimmed goatee can also infuse an element of squareness to a soft chin.

我满脑子都是关于他的回忆。我虽年纪尚轻,却有一种来日无多的感觉。His memory infuse me, at a younger age than most, with a sense of my own mortality.

打开桶盖,先将产品内盒取出,打水后再将内盒插入插槽。Open the barrelhead, take out the inner box, infuse water and insert it into the box slot.