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你没有看到他是怎么进入特古西加尔巴吗?Couldn’t you see how he entered Tegucigalpa?

特古西加尔巴为首都和最大的城市。Tegucigalpa is the capital and the largest city.

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特古西加尔巴,曾经的矿业中心,现在的洪都拉斯首都。Originally developed as a mining center, Tegucigalpa now serves as Honduras' capital.

塞拉亚在9月21日秘密返还洪都拉斯,目前躲在特古西加尔巴的巴西大使馆中。He secretly returned to Honduras September 21 and is holed up at the Brazilian embassy in Tegucigalpa.

塞拉亚说,他花了当天晚上在危地马拉,而他此行的特古西加尔巴了15个小时以上。Zelaya said he spent Sunday night in Guatemala, and that his trip to Tegucigalpa took more than 15 hours.

反对新政府的示威继续在首都特古西加尔巴和全国各地的其他城市持续着。Demonstrations for and against the new government continued in Tegucigalpa and other cities across the country.

200名战士逮捕了塞拉亚并将他驱逐出境后,装甲车在特古西加尔巴街头巡逻,战斗机在首都上空徘徊。After 200 soldiers arrested Mr Zelaya and deported him, armoured cars patrolled Tegucigalpa and fighter jets flew overhead.

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检察官称,这些警察闯进首都特古西加尔巴的一家银行,将所有的保安都捆绑起来。Prosecutors say the policemen forced their way into the bank in the capital, Tegucigalpa and tied up the security guards at gunpoint.

委内瑞拉总统查韦斯呼吁联合国支持被罢免总统,塞拉亚返回洪都拉斯首都特古西加尔巴是有勇气的举动。The Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez called for the UN to support the ousted president, describing his return to the Honduran capital Tegucigalpa as a courageous act.

他目前正在安排将特古西加尔巴郊外一处大楼的空置部分变成一个马奎拉多拉用地,将来可能雇用几十名洪都拉斯工人。He is making arrangements to turn a now empty section of a building in a maquiladora zone outside Tegucigalpa into a factory that one day could employ dozens of Hondurans.

他正在安排将特古西加尔巴郊外一处大楼的空置变成马奎拉多拉用地,将来雇用几十名洪都拉斯工人。He is making arrangements to turn a now empty section of a building in a maquiladora zone outside Tegucigalpa into a factory that one day could employ dozens of Hondurans.

阿洪都拉斯足球风扇反作用后她团队失去他们国际足联世界杯H组首轮匹配,六月十六日,2010圣佩德罗苏拉,240公里特古西加尔巴以北,1-0智利。A Honduran football fan reacts after her team lost 1-0 to Chile in their FIFA World Cup Group H first round match, on June 16, 2010, in San Pedro Sula, 240 km north of Tegucigalpa.