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一分辛苦,一分收获。No pain, no gain.

你打盹,你收获。You snooze, you gain.

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没有收获无痛苦。No gain without pains.

那政府如何获利呢?Now, how do they gain?

使某人获得一位支持者。To gain sb. a supporter.

最优秀的弓箭手将获得一只金箭。She has the most to gain.

将能得着真洞见。True purpose we will gain.

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获得系统控制。Gain control of the system.

愿我成就舍心。May I gain a balanced mind.

宁可亏损,不贪便宜。Prefer loss to unjust gain.

宁可遭损失,不取不义财。Prefer loses to unjust gain.

提多占过你们的便宜吗。Did Titus make a gain of you?

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你的表走得快,还是走得慢?。Does your watch gain or lose?

记住,“一分耕耘,一分收获”。Remember, "No pain, No gain".

它是以谋利为目的的。It is a policy to gain profit.

在敬拜中,人会得著什麽?What does man gain in worship?

得到之后别跑的太快。Do not run too fast after gain.

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你将得到毫不提防的处女。Heedless Virgins you will gain.

这可以帮助你获得信任。This should help you gain trust.

因体液潴留而体重增加Weight gain from fluid retention