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你怎样面对失败?How do you affront your failure?

我决不能容忍这种公开侮辱。I will pouch up no such affront.

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人生苦短,别太过于计较个人恩怨。Life is too short to turn every personal affront into a battle.

个毛皮动物养殖场公然侮辱了它所宣布的价值观。The EU's 6,000 fur farms are an affront to the values it proclaims.

欧盟的6,000个毛皮动物养殖场公然侮辱了它所宣布的价值观。The EU's 6, 000 fur farms are an affront to the values it proclaims.

比如信纸的折法,稍有不慎,就会被当做故意冒犯。The manner of folding a letter, for example, may embody a studied affront.

布什总统此前讲过,要是不去参加奥运会的话,就等于是冒犯了中国人民。President Bush has said skipping the games would be an affront to the Chinese.

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亚拿尼亚和撒非喇的罪就是挑战圣洁的神和他的教会。The sin of Ananias and Sapphira was an affront to the holiness of God in His church.

保持冷静。那只是他谈话的惯常方法,他并非有意要触犯你。Keep your shirt on. He didn't beggarly to affront you. That's just the way he allocutions.

负有盛名的诺贝尔奖无论如何也不应成为对“获奖者”祖国的公然侮辱。Prestigious Nobel Prize in any case should not become "winners" an affront to the motherland.

难道他还以为这一次冒犯弗斯脱上校以后,还好意思回到民兵团里去吗?Could he expect to be noticed again by the regiment, after such an affront to Colonel Forster?

在敬拜时的不尊重态度既代表没有明白神的圣洁的含义也是对神的圣洁的冒犯。Irreverence in worship is both a failure to grasp God's holiness and an affront to His holiness.

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克勒先生似乎为战争找了一个经济方面的理由,但是明显触动了某些和平主义者的神经。Mr Köhler seemed to be offering an economic justification, an affront to their instinctive pacifism.

作伪证是明显和公然违背司法程序的基本概念。Perjured testimony is an obvious and flagrant affront to the basic concepts of judicial proceedings.

及“公然侮辱他人或者捏造事实诽谤他人”等情形。Reach " barefaced affront other is concoctive perhaps the fact is calumniatory other " wait for case.

别认为这是对你可靠性的侮辱,他们只是想知道整个项目的进程。Don't take this as an affront to your trustworthiness -- they just want to see progress along the way.

比起其他圣经上禁止的食物,猪肉更容易被很多以色列人看作是对其民族主义的侮辱。Even more than other nonkosher foods, pork is seen by many Israelis as an affront to Jewish nationalism.

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我们必须拘泥形式在我国规划的这件事,对任何错误可看作是个人的侮辱。We must be punctilious in our planning of this affair, for any error may be regarded as a personal affront.

一个心理健康的人会想念战争,这似乎公然冒犯了“战无义战”的传统观念。The idea that a psychologically healthy person could miss war seems an affront to the idea that war is evil.

吸烟者是对这个幻想的侮辱,按他们的设想,这就是为什么强烈谴责吸烟者还是不够的。Smokers are an affront to this fantasy, and that is why no condemnation is strong enough for their presumption.