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爆炸恐怖犯罪是恐怖犯罪的主要表现形式。Terroristic explosion is the main form of terroristic crime.

在这个恐怖的系统里,害怕本身就足够限制女性的自由了。In this terroristic system, the fear alone is enough to limit women's freedom.

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4月16日,翟田田突然以涉嫌"恐怖威胁"的名义被逮捕。On April 16, Zhai was arrested suddenly on charges of making a terroristic threat.

地铁作为一种高风险建筑,面临各种形式的恐怖威胁。Subway is faced with the terroristic threat of various forms as a kind of high risk building.

在起诉书中,翟田田面临着“制造恐怖威胁”的指控。According to the indictment sheet, Zhai is facing the serious charge of making a terroristic threat.

“恐怖分子的氧气是公开”,传播是恐怖主义的基本特征之一。" the terrorist's oxygen is disclosing ", it is one of the terroristic essential features to propagate.

他将受到在公共交通设施安放假炸弹和制造恐怖威胁的指控。The man faces charges including placing a false bomb in a transportation facility and making terroristic threats.

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自杀性恐怖犯罪是为了达成某种目标或恐怖效果而经常采取的一种犯罪行为。That suicide terroristic crime is one kind of criminal acts adopted usually to reach a target or make dreadful effect.

如果这种在虚拟世界从事的恐怖活动是团伙性质的,则很有可能会引起国家安全局的主意。If parties are engaged in terroristic activities in a virtual world, it may bring them to the attention of a governmental agency.

凶案组侦查员正在调查这起案件,因为怀疑可能涉及恐吓威胁,圣保罗警局警官吉姆.葛瑞说。Homicide investigators were looking into the case because of the "implied" terroristic threat, St. Paul Police Sgt. Jim Gray said.

26岁的中国留学生翟田田,此前在美国新泽西州被指控为制造恐怖威胁罪,8月10日他自纽约肯尼迪国际机场抵达北京。Zhai Tiantian, a 26-year-old student charged with making terroristic threats in New Jersey, left the JFK airport for Beijing on Aug 10.

恐怖事件让人们感觉到愤怒,失落,无助和恐惧,也激发了人们的复仇心理。Terroristic events can cause people to feel angry, frustrated, helpless, and afraid. Terrorism can also make people want to seek revenge.

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该实验室是美国政府在食物供应和农业经济方面所作的部分努力,以防止自然疫情爆发或生物恐怖攻击。The laboratory is part of the U.S. government's efforts to prevent natural disease outbreaks or terroristic bio-attacks on the U.S. food supply and agricultural economy.

但是仅仅依靠一些单项反恐怖立法或国内刑法中的相关反恐怖条款已远远不能有效遏制、预防和打击恐怖主义活动。However, some single anti-terrorism law or some clauses of anti-terrorism in the national criminal law can not stop, prevent or attack terroristic activities effectively.

2001年对世界最具震撼力的事件莫过于发生在美国的“9.11”恐怖袭击事件,以及其后在阿富汗进行的反恐怖战争。No more than did "9-11 " terroristic incident attack U. S. A. to the most powerful incident of the world in 2001. And the anti-terrorism war that thereafter carried on in Afghanistan.

在刑法中增设国家机关工作人员包庇、纵容恐怖活动组织罪,既是我国反恐现状的需要,也是严密和平衡我国刑事立法的需要。Adding crime of shielding or conniving terroristic organization is not only the need of our present situation of countertenor, but also the need of tight and balance criminal legislation.

国外研究者进行了大量关于爆炸的试验和分析,并对爆炸冲击波的机理和荷载效应提出了计算方法。With the increase of terroristic attacks, blasting has posed a severe threat on lives and properties, The blast loading effects on structures has been gradually considered in structural designs.

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因此,招募“良心黑客”、向他们寻求帮助以打击犯罪和恐怖主义是目前比较有效的防范黑客攻击的方式。Accordingly, recruit " conscience hacker " , seek a help to be mixed with blow crime to them terroristic it is to be compared at present be on guard effectively the means that the hacker attacks.