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五运六气学说有着坚实的天文学基础。The doctrine of"Five evolutive phases and six climatic factors"has a solid foundation of astronomy.

然后,重点阐述了城市地价空间结构的基本模型和演化规律。Secondly, this paper mainly expatiates basic models and evolutive rules of city land-value spatial structure.

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论述了筇员筇当港形成的地质构造成因、演化简史和筇员筇当港—钟宅断裂带的活动性。The causes of geological structures and evolutive geological brief history of forming Yundang harbor are discussed.

而ARMA模型是适用于任何序列的发展形态的一种高级预测方法,它描述时间序列的动态性和发展变化规律。ARMA model is a method of advanced forecast applying any series, and it reflects the dynamic and evolutive character.

在总结其产生机理和演化规律的基础上,提出了若干设计、施工建议。Based on summarizing its generating mechanism and evolutive law, some suggestions for design and construction are advanced.

产业结构的演进与升级一定程度上反映了区域经济的发展阶段与发展能力。Evolvement and upgrade of industrial structure reflect seedtime and evolutive capability of a regional economy on some extent.

环境资源法对人与自然关系的调整,是一个渐进的、不断发展的过程,应该与时俱进。Law regulate the relations between man and nature is a gradual and continuously evolutive process, which is progressing with time.

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采用进化程度较高的灵长类动物猕猴作为实验材料,在光镜下观察黑质的GABA能神经元。The higher evolutive rhesus monkeys were used as experimental materials. GABA-ergic neurons were observed under a light microscope.

一门学科的发展一是科学知识体系的内在演进逻辑,二是社会进步的现实需求。The development of subject bases on the internal evolutive logic of scientific knowledge and the demand of reality for social progress.

论文分析了后现代主义艺术产生的社会文化背景、特征和发展格局。This thesis probes into the social and cultural background when post-modern art was originated, its characteristics and evolutive structure.

埃勒森公共广播系统是一种多功能系统,其中包括了信号处理、有效的运行软件和改进的麦克风托架。Elason Public Address system is a multi-function system that includes signal processing, powerful software and evolutive microphone stations.

基于橡胶加速老化试验,以双参数经验动力学公式模拟橡胶老化中压缩永久变形的演变过程。Based on accelerative aging test, bi-parameter experience kinetic formula was used to simulate the evolutive process of rubber compression set.

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具体地说,二十世纪后,线性的时间观和进步、发展的历史观取代了传统的永恒观念。To be specific, the traditional eternal sense of time is replaced by a linear sense of history and a progressive and evolutive view of history.

通过对水浒戏主题转变的深入探讨有助于我们了解在时代的影响下文艺创作思想的发展趋势。Probing into the motif of Shui Hu drama helps us to apprehend the evolutive trend of the thought of producing literature under the times influence.

它揭示了系统从无序到有序的条件和机制,把系统科学提高到研究系统发展与演化的阶段。It opens out the condition and mechanism of system from disorder to order and improves the systematic science to the developing and evolutive stage.

实验结果表明,经GA的优化搜索,这种经过改善的有进化能力的ANN结构,在舰船雷达目标识别中取得了较好的效果。The result of the experiment shows that by the GA optimized searching, the improved and evolutive ANN structure can play a good role in warships′ RTR.

从分析城市地价空间结构的内涵以及相关理论入手,分析了城市地价空间结构的基本模型与演化规律。The author begins with the connotation and correlative theories of city land-value spatial structure and analyzes its basic models and evolutive rules.

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结合浙中城镇群的演进过程与发展现状,分析其空间结构特征。With the evolutive process and developing actuality of the mid-Zhejiang city agglomeration, the paper analyzes its character of space structure pattern.

奥陶纪是鄂尔多斯西缘构造沉积演化的重要构成阶段。The western margin of Ordos basin has experienced complicated tectonic evolution and the ordovician is the most important stages in its evolutive history.

本文引入了信息熵理论,用多元联合熵来刻画航空发动机的有序性和演化方向。Information entropy theory was introduced into this paper, and multi-joint entropy was used to depict the aero-engine's disorder parameter and evolutive trend.