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据说,早期的岛上居民船只失事的人。Some early islanders were reputedly ship-wreckers.

据说奥斯本本人曾大力举荐克拉克。Mr Osborne himself reputedly pushed for Mr Clarke's appointment.

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至少,极少数的荣誉勋章获得者据说是同性恋,有些高级官员也是。A handful, at least, of Medal of Honor recipients reputedly have been gay.

在据称有鬼魂出没的地方,确实曾拍到过一些光点,但也不尽然。Orbs have been photographed in reputedly haunted locations, but not exclusively.

山姆钟情于海洋所谓“丑陋”和弱肉强食的一面。Sam's interest tends towards the reputedly 'ugly' and predatory side of the sea.

今儿个说的便是这老北京数一数二的名小吃——羊头马。Today, let's discuss the snack with reputedly in ancient Beijing called Sheepshead Ma.

他强迫儿童杀死他们的父母来作为加入组织的“投名状”。He reputedly forces children to murder their own parents as part of their initiation into his group.

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“出门散步,来自惊奇的邀请”,沃兹华斯一直心悦诚服地相信这个简单真理。Wordsworth reputedly delighted in the simple truth that “going for a walk is an invitation for surprise”.

据说,这些岛屿是世界上风速最高最稳定的地方。The islands reputedly experience the highest and most consistent wind speeds of any comparable place on earth.

他就职后发现苹果已经成了一家二流公司,充斥着普普通通的产品,据说撑不了几个月就要破产。What he found was a diminished company, saddled with mediocre products and reputedly only months from bankruptcy.

还有一座干将坊,人们说是当年干将铸剑的作坊。There is also found a neighbourhood named Gan'Jiang'Fang or Ganjiang Smithy where reputedly the couple had cast swords.

我,单身,无神论者,白人,52岁,据说比较聪明,对于政治、科学、音乐和舞蹈有着不同寻常的兴趣。I'm a single atheist white man, 52, reputedly intelligent, with unusual interests in politics, science, music and dance.

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我在想,这个人是如何在宋朝写下理学思想的并被认为是在月岩上做的研究的。I think about how this man wrote down philosophical thoughts during the Song Dynasty and reputedly studied up on Moon Hill.

据传,时至1981年该俱乐部已成为全世界利润额最高的赌场,并以其赌博收益支撑起整个花花公子帝国的大半江山。By 1981, it was reputedly the most profitable casino in the world, buttressing much of the Playboy empire with its gambling revenues.

据说是由圣帕特里克创建,是爱尔兰罗马天主教和新教主教所在地。Reputedly founded by Saint Patrick, it is the seat of both the Roman Catholic and Protestant primates of Ireland. Population, 12,700.

黄金团据说是最好的自由军团,一世纪前由苦钢——“庸王”伊耿的一私生子建立的。The Golden Company was reputedly the finest of the free companies, founded a century ago by Bittersteel, a bastard son of Aegon the Unworthy.

这种冲绳主食,据说即便是经过漫长的炎夏,也可保持不变的美味。A staple on the Okinawan plate, this reputedly provides stamina during the long, oppressive summer months, but tastes just as good all year round.

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德国中部偏北,汉诺威东南部偏东的一城市。一般认为该市建于8'年,现为工业和商业中心。人口253,057。A city of north-central Germany east-southeast of Hanover. Reputedly founded in 8', it is an industrial and commercial center. Population, 253,057.

不伦瑞克德国中部偏北,汉诺威东南部偏东的一城市。一般认为该市建于861年,现为工业和商业中心。人口253,057。A city of north-central Germany east-southeast of Hanover. Reputedly founded in861, it is an industrial and commercial center. Population, 253, 057.

意大利南部古代希腊的殖民地,邻近萨勒诺海湾,是埃利亚哲学学派的中心,此学派据说由色诺芬尼创立。An ancient Greek colony of southern Italy near the Gulf of Salerno. Reputedly founded by Xenophanes, it was the center of the Eleatic school of philosophy.