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那是暴龙。That is a Tyrannosaurus.

好了,你喜欢雷克斯龙吗?Okay, you like Tyrannosaurus Rex?- Yeah.

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我想成为一只暴龙胜过任何事情。I wanted to be a Tyrannosaurus rex more than anything.

伦敦自然历史博物馆的霸王龙模型。A Tyrannosaurus rex model at the Natural History Museum in London.

有新证据证明霸王龙可能会自相残杀。Tyrannosaurus Rex may have been a cannibal, new evidence suggests.

新发现的化石证明霸王龙残食同类New fossil evidence supports that Tyrannosaurus rex was a cannibal.

这对于雷克斯暴龙来说可能太晚了,但也许对于我们来说并不算晚。That's too late for Tyrannosaurus rex but perhaps not too late for us.

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生活在这个时候的恐龙还有甲龙和霸王龙。Dinosaurs that lived at that time were the Ankylosaurus and Tyrannosaurus Rex.

该中心展示了现实,移动霸王龙和三角龙恐龙。The center showcases realistic, moving Tyrannosaurus and Triceratops dinosaurs.

暴龙雷克斯是一个可怕的国王,剑龙的尾巴确实能摇摆。Tyrannosaurus rex was a terrible king, the stegosaurus' tail could really swing.

这一发现推翻了科学家们对霸王龙进化过程的假设。The discovery overturns scientists' thinking about how Tyrannosaurus rex evolved.

其它生活在这个时期的恐龙有霸王龙和恐爪龙。Other dinosaurs that lived at the same time were Tyrannosaurus Rex and Deinonychus.

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像霸王龙一样牙齿咯吱作响的恐龙,一看就是食肉动物。Some, like tyrannosaurus rex with its bone-crunching teeth, are obviously predators.

一只正在觅食的三角龙被霸王龙发现,成了霸王龙的晚餐!Is feeding a Tyrannosaurus Rex Triceratops was discovered Tyrannosaurus rex has become dinner!

最后是白垩纪,如雷克斯暴龙和三角龙的巨大恐龙称霸地球。At the end comes the Cretaceous, where the giants ruled, like Tyrannosaurus Rex and Triceratops.

短颈蛇颈龙是一种凶残的爬行动物,通常被比作海洋中的暴龙。The short-necked plesiosaur was a voracious reptile often compared to the Tyrannosaurus rex of the oceans.

这只上龙的头比霸王龙的大一倍,满口是令人印象深刻12英寸长的巨齿。The pliosaur's head was twice as big as that of a Tyrannosaurus rex and was filled with an impressive set of 12-inch teeth.

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但是异特龙毫不会想到地是在本身死后,一只号称陆上霸主地霸王龙正对它虎视眈眈。However, Allosaurus would never think of in their own behind a Tyrannosaurus rex is known as land-based supremacy eyeing it.

我们现在知道,有专用功能的前臂作用是非常强大的,它有可能作为诱饵而有助于成功捕猎。We now know that the forearms of Tyrannosaurus were quite powerful and probably used like meathooks to helping stabilize prey.

一口从鲨齿龙身上撕下巨大的肉块并造成致使的伤害,除霸王龙外别无其它。A bite from Carcharodontosaurus ripped large amounts of flesh and caused severe damage, but nothing close to Tyrannosaurus Rex.