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实相只能显示给未受蒙蔽的心灵。Reality can dawn only on an unclouded mind.

晴天作为一日的结束,几乎可以算是快乐的一天。The end of an unclouded day. Almost a happy one, " Mr."

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当然,最纯净的水是最无污染与清澈的。Of course, the purest water is the most untainted and unclouded.

晴朗的夏夜,我看见了明亮的扁担星。I saw the bright Altair and the two adjacent stars in the sky in an unclouded Summer night.

在任何条件下都能享受生活的能力,是道德上和心理上不可多得的收获。To preserve an unclouded capacity for the enjoyment of life is an unusual moral and psychological achievement.

我幸运地同居里夫人有20年崇高而真挚的友谊。It was my good fortune to be linked with Madame Curie through twenty years of sublime and unclouded friendship.

而如果没有云的话,要实现同样的目的,需要花费大量宝贵的时间和昂贵的硬件成本。And if unclouded word, want to achieve same goal, need costs a large number of valuable time and high hardware cost.

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当我气喘吁吁地爬上晴朗阳光下尘土飞扬的小道,不禁回忆起当初更年轻的时候,我可以毫不费力地攀登上去。As I panted up the dusty path under the unclouded sun, I remembered that a younger me could make this climb without pain.

这句倒装了,正常的汉语语序还是把他掉过来比较好理解,意思是对于那些确切的事实,无论是可以提供的消息与否,还是报道的形式,都不应该出错的。Neither in what it gives, nor in what it does not give, nor in the mode of presentation, must the unclouded face of truth suffer wrong.

和蔼的国王由于先见之明而性格开朗,所以他能够深入到每个他所遇到的人的内心深处去发现他们的天性。The good king's mind was unclouded by preconceptions , so he was able to dive into the hearts of everyone he met and discover their true nature.

阳玉琼性格开朗、要强,她经常说的一句话是“既然从事这项运动,就一定要拿第一”。Yang Yuqiong is unclouded and eager to do things well. She often said that "since I have engaged in sports, I will certainly try to be the first."

夏日的夜晚也是美丽的,与其称它为夜晚,它其实更像一个阳光照射不到的,晴朗的白昼,它携带清露,阴凉以及一丝丝清爽降落到了地球!How beautiful the summer night is, which is not night, but a sunless, yet unclouded day, descending upon earth with dews and shadows and refreshing coolness!