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吸气,进入眼镜蛇式。Inhale into Cobra pose.

山式站立。Stand in Mountain pose.

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吸气,回到树式。Inhale back into Tree Pose.

呼气,降落到八支。Exhale into Eight Limb Pose.

他的勤奋不过是装样子罢了。His diligence is a mere pose.

吸气向前到斜板式。Inhale forward to Plank Pose.

吸气向前到斜板式。Inhale forward into Plank pose.

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你愿意摆姿势让我为你拍照吗?Are you willing to pose for me ?

吸气再次进入树式。Inhale into Tree pose once again.

呼气,进入半莲花幻椅式。Exhale into Half Lotus Chair Pose.

请允许我提几个问题。Allow me to pose several questions.

那么究竟什么是摆拍?So what exactly is a Controlled Pose?

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我要再次提出这个问题。Again let me just pose the question.

污染给我们的生存造成很大的威胁。Caner pose a great threat to our life.

当有男人在四周时她喜欢装腔作势,故作姿态。She loves to pose when men are around.

这只是为了练习摆姿势的一张图。This was mostly for the pose practice.

有声书还带来了时间的问题。Books on tape also pose a time problem.

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不要再怀孕后期练习这个体式。Don't do this pose late-term Pregnancy.

他得摆好戴著月木樨冠的姿态。He had to pose wearing a laurel wreath.

她重新摆了个姿势。She rearranged herself in another pose.