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是的,我们喜欢即兴表演。Yeah, we like to riff.

强类型的即兴重复。A riff on strongly-typed.

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相当狂放的萨克斯即兴演奏It's a wild riff for saxophone.

这些人使我起鸡皮疙瘩。真是一群痞子!These people give me the creeps. Riff raff!

在爵士乐中,即兴反复片段是一个简单的曲调音型。In jazz music, a riff ias simple melodic figure.

我喜欢合唱部分的吉他重复段,它弹得是那么的酷。I love the guitar riff during the chorus, it's so cool to play.

我现在仍然留着和小沃克一起即兴演奏爵士乐的一张照片。I still keep a picture of Jr. Walker and me doing a riff together.

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前100页反复讲述那个伟大的俄罗斯灵魂,挺有趣的。The first 100-page riff on the great Russian soul was interesting.

你可以在任何即兴小段、独奏或和弦变化中实践这个练习。You can practice this exercise with any riff , solo, or chord change.

即兴的灵感来自于安东布鲁克纳的第五交响曲的主旋律。This riff was inspired by the main theme of Anton Bruckner's Fifth symphony.

虽然纸质书上留给读者的空白地方也不多,但电子书上就是完全没有了。Books don't offer much white space for readers to riff in, but e-books offer none.

急于知道失踪的利查尔王子下落的里夫·塔姆森准备审问他的俘虏。Riff Tamson, eager to locate the missing Prince Lee-Char, prepares to interrogate his captives.

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这就好比,读懂吉他乐谱并无法解释人们在聆听音乐时是如何产生悲伤情绪的。Just like knowing the notes of a guitar riff can’t explain the sensation of soul in a blues band.

注意,我开始最后一次重复,“只要我们假设语言是为交流而生notice that I began that last riff by saying "as long as we suppose language exists for communication."

和其他的折扣交易一样,关于马场的文稿会由四名Groupon幽默作者中的一名用即兴发挥的文字来整合在一起。As with every deal, the stables write-up will be joined with a riff from one of the four Groupon humor writers.

地毯是纳塞蒂风格,厨房设计采用英国轻便奢华风格。The rug is Fornasetti, and the Galley is designed to riff on the portable luxury of the British Campaign style.

吉他和歌手总是要随便弹一段或唱一段,而跳舞的人则要通过丰富的肢体语言作出即兴的的回答。The singers and guitarists would keep challenging the dancers with either a chant, hand clapping or just a riff.

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利用在充满铁屑的盐水里染色的布,Ervell先生使用铁锈巧妙地重复关于一个衰败的主题的颜色。Employing cloth dyed in salt water filled with iron filings, Mr. Ervell used rust to riff subtly on a theme of decay.

我现在还保存着那时的录音带,过了这么多年,音带都完好无损,除了我在结尾时复段的那个噪音外。I still have a tape of it, and it holds up pretty well after all these years, except for a squeak I made in my closing riff.

尽管两族人民有过不快,过去他们仍互相尊重,直到里夫·塔姆森前来挑拨离间。The two peoples had respected each other in the past despite their differences, until Riff Tamson arrived to stir up trouble.