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缺乏稳定性或固定性或稳固性的。Lacking stability or fixity or firmness.

“超域性”是对存在“单一固定性”的否定。Hyper-filed Feature is the total denial of the Single- fixity.

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我一直在致力于推翻有关意义恒定性的谬谈。I have been working on exploding the myth of fixity of meaning.

在军事礼节的符号中,沉默和固定是顺从的表示。In the code of military etiquette silence and fixity are forms of deference.

月光下,他的脸色苍白,有着难以言表的沮丧。His face in the moonlight showed a pallor and fixity inexpressibly distressing.

他奋力向前走去,仍旧那样不慌不忙,但是目标坚定。He pressed resolutely forward, still without haste, but with dogged fixity of purpose.

所有注视这街道尽头的目光都变得凶狠异常。The fixity of eye in all the combatants upon the extremity of the street became ferocious.

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大多数金融官员仍力图使汇率恢复较大的固定性。A majority of monetary officials is still striving restore greater fixity to exchange rates.

税收优惠是对税收统一性和相对固定性所作的一种补充。Taxation preference is a kind of supplement to the unity and relative fixity of the taxation.

在有固定参照物的情况下,只需要一个PPLI定位信息就可以实现平台的协同定位。With a referenced fixity , cooperative localization can be achieved by only a piece of PPLI information.

她长著一个肥鼓鼓的蒜头鼻子,一双碧蓝的眼珠直盯盯地凝视著,令人感到不安。She had a fleshy, bulbous nose and eyes which stared out, a fine bright blue, with a disconcerting fixity.

文中应用了结构不变性原理设计了补偿器,以消除这些不利因素的影响。In the paper, it designs compensator to eliminate infaust influence, which applies principle of structure fixity.

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本来面容姣好的她,因一脸的木讷被哥三个叫成“斗牛犬”。She would have been good-looking, save for the impassive fixity of her face, 'bull-dog', as her brothers called it.

指出我国存在两个“人多地少”,应将农村劳动力向城镇转移划分为“固定性转移”和“流动性转移”。He also points out that the shift of rural labors to cities and towns should be divided into fixity shift and fluid shift.

它与一般宗教仪式、仪轨系统所特有的固定性和排他的性质,有根本性的区别。It is different from the general religionary ceremony , the fixity of a patent ceremonial system and the character of exclusive.

中国是世界上产生城市最早地国家,城市的历史有其壹脉相承的完整性和固定性。The earliest appearance of cities is in China. The history of cities come down in one continuous line with its integrality and fixity.

桥石板为上翼缘提供了很大的固结度,于是相邻的腹板间隙就经受了较大的变形并且首先开裂。The slab has provided greater fixity to the top flange, and the adjacent web gap has experienced greater deformation and has cracked first.

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由于房地产的位置固定性和位置差异性,不同城市、不同地区的居民对住房的需求也不尽相同。Because of the location fixity and otherness of real estate, the requirement of resident who live in different city and region is different.

许多固著性强的生物会生活在礁岩区,像是有如火山口的藤壶。Some living things with great fixity would live in the Reef and gravel area, such as the barnacles with holes that look like craters of volcanoes.

专栏被承担有充分的结尾固定性并且因此平移和旋转的克制向专栏的末端被应用了。The columns were assumed to have full end fixity and therefore both translational and rotational restraints were applied to the end of the columns.