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他说话时使用了大量引语。He comes up with so many quotable phrases.

他的话在混合群体中不能引用。His remarks are not quotable in mixed company.

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美商法典的做法颇值得借鉴。The dealing of American Commercial Code is quite quotable.

一旦你找出了你要表达的信息,你必须去把他们转换成顺口的语言。Once you have your messages figured out, you need to turn them into quotable quotes.

杰里米教师以至写上了一些他一路所记的名言隽语。Mr Jeremy Fisher even had some Quotable Quotes which he had written down along the way.

第三部分,社区矫正在我国和谐社会中的价值分析与现状评述。Chapter 2 is about practice quotable value of community correction in some counties and regions.

意指已获香港医务委员会接纳的认可额外资格。Refers to the quotable additional qualification which is acceptable to the Medical Council of Hong Kong.

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海登·布莱克,友好而风趣,他创作的两个网络剧得到谨慎的称赞和欢迎。Hayden Black is nice, funny, quotable , and makes two critically acclaimed and modestly popular Web shows.

我喜欢这本书的一个原因是作者能挖掘并插入相关的至理名言。One aspect of the book which I like is the author's ability to dig up and insert relevant quotable quotes.

下面是一些关于感恩的名言,有助于提醒我们记住感恩在生活和工作中的重要性。Here is a selection of quotable quotes on the subject of gratitude to help remind us of its importance in our lives and work.

话语片段是指在电台和电视台的新闻节目中反复播放的候选人说过的有代表性的只言片语。A sound bite is a brief, very quotable remark by a candidate for office that is repeated on radio and television news programs.

最后,虽然我怀疑这“被广为津津乐道的言论”大概不会对网民的搜索习惯产生什么影响。Ultimately, though, I suspect this particularly quotable nugget will have little impact on the searching habits of internet users.

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说话要友善,准备好一些耳熟能详的引述来传递你的信息,将他们写下来有助于采访。To sound good, prepare a collection of quotable quotes that convey your message, and write them out to take with you to the interview.

介绍了煤与瓦斯突出孔洞处理的另一方法,为类似煤与瓦斯突出孔洞处理提供了可借鉴的经验。This passage has introduced another way to deal with Coal and Gas Outburst Cavern, which offers some quotable experience for the similar cases.

诺思的产权理论对我国经济增长有重要的借鉴意义。By the analysis of North's theory of property right, this article tries to probe into its reasonable core and quotable significance to economic growth.

比较分析了美国、欧盟和日本在软件专利方面的法律规定、司法实践,指出其中值得我国借鉴之处。In this chapter, the author compares the legal rules and judicial practice of software patent in America, Japan and Europe, point out the quotable methods.

期望能进一步加快推进绍兴市财政支出改革,同时也期望能对其他城市财政支出改革提供一定的借鉴意义。Through all those efforts, we expect to be able to quicken our steps of expenditure reforming in Shaoxing city and to provide some quotable ideas of the reform to other cities.

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实证分析时提供了两种思路方法,比较各自优势,以期能够为以后探寻更好的评价方法提供借鉴。When the empirical research, it offers two analyzed methods, we hope find its advantages, then can provide a feasible thinking or quotable place for finding the better method in the future.

发掘其中的积极成分,对于构建社会主义和谐社会,在精神动力、思想方法、政策主张、运行机制等多方面具有可资借鉴的现代价值。It has quotable modern value for building a socialist harmonious society and many aspects of spiritual motive, thinking methods, policy, operation mechanism to discover the active ingredients.