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我住在海心。I reside in Haikou.

海口骑楼老街包括水巷口。Haikou arcaded streets, including water alley.

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海口是海南省的省会都会。Haikou is the capit's city of Hainan Province.

海口广告公司哪家好?Is the family of Haikou advertizing company fine?

诺基亚6300在海南海口行货现在价格?。Nokia 6300 does goods price now in Hainan Haikou?

从海口坐公车去三亚要多长时间?How long does it take to go to Sanya from Haikou by bus?

我们可以为您改签海口至广州的航班。We can endorse the flight from Haikou to Guangzhou for you.

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海口兰桂坊将是盛智文在中国内地开发的第二个项目。The Haikou project will be his second one in mainland China.

第一章详细描述尖山剖面。Jianshan section of Haikou was described in detail in Chapter I.

新建住房销售价格同比涨幅居前的城市包括广州、深圳以及海口。New-house prices in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Haikou rose the most.

目的了解海口市海洛因依赖者心理健康状况。Obiective To study the psychology status of heroin addicts in Haikou city.

在这种情况下,“酒店式管理”是一种灵丹妙药海口房地产?In that case, "hotel-style management" is a panacea for Haikou real estate?

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这是记者从海口市房地产市场的这种状况。This is the reporter from the Haikou City real estate market that situation.

海口市的发病养殖池数占全省的最大份额。The most pools the bacteroidal infectious disease occurred is in Haikou city.

欢迎到假日海滩,就在海口市滨海大道。它正等着你呢!So welcome to Holiday Beach, just off Binhai Road, Haikou City. It awaits you!

2000年校本部从海口市龙华路旧校区迁至学院路新校区。In 2000, Hainan Medical College set up its new campus on Xue Yuan Avenue in Haikou.

海口市人民医院肾内科创建于1996年。The Nephrology Department of Haikou Municipal People's Hospital was founded in 1996.

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返美后,我在一个地摊上租了一盘VCD,他改变了我漫长求医的道路。After return, I am in a beautiful haikou. there rented a dish of VCD, he changed my doctor.

海口的街道两旁耸立着成排的椰子树,海口也被叫着“椰城”。The streets of Haikou are lined with coconut palms. Haikou is also called "the coconut city".

武汉号和海口号驱逐舰参与了这次在亚丁湾的主要演练和护航任务。Both Wuhan and Haikou have participated in major drills and escort missions in the Gulf of Aden.