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你玩过魂斗罗和合金弹头吗?You played contra or metal slug?

对罗马的比赛范尼能上么?Estará Van Nistelrooy para jugar contra la Roma?

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作为回应,美国组织了反政府游击队。In response, the United States organised the Contra guerrillas.

考虑与成年人问题相反的青少年问题。Consider the problems of the teenager contra those of the adult.

魂斗罗”是指具有崇高战斗精神和掌握极高游击战略的人。Contra "is a master of the fighting spirit and guerrilla tactics."

“魂斗罗”是指具有崇高战斗精神和掌握极高游戏战略的人。"CONTRA" is the master of the fighting spirit and guerrilla tactics.

绅士与他人发生冲突,智者与自己发生冲突。The well bred contradict other people. The wise contra dict themselves.

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我是在奥克兰的康特拉科斯塔开始干活的,那时才十一岁,把东西抖散,为进热轧滚筒作准备。Began in the Contra Costa in Oakland when I was eleven, shakin' out for the mangle.

恰恰与马克思的预测相反,实行资本主义制度的国家的穷人变得更为富裕了。Contra Marx, the poor got richer in countries that adopted capitalist institutions.

凡出售商品或产品,因给予顾客让价而未能获得之销货价款皆属之。A contra revenue account for reduction in the selling price of goods or products sold.

副总统布什对于伊朗及尼国叛军的丑闻一事,进退维谷。Vice President George Bush is between a rock and a hard place on the Iran- Contra scandal.

相反地,从生到死,学习应该是一种无终止的历程。On the contra. ry, learning should be a neyer-ending process, from the cr. adle to the grave.

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康特拉科斯塔县图书馆得到一笔款项,将QR码贴在图书上来告诉读者此书的相关图书。The Contra Costa County Library received a grant to put QR codes on popular books that links the user to read-alikes.

本论文所研究的“对舞”,是两人为对的舞蹈形式,是具有社交功能的自娱性舞蹈。Contra Dance studied in this dissertation is a form of dance by pairs of dancers, which involves social function and self-entertainment.

据罗马尼亚方面的报道,佛罗伦萨是最想引进他的俱乐部,尽管孔特拉目前并不准备透露他的下一步行动!According to Romanian news agency, Mediafax, Fiorentina are the favourites to land him, although Contra was not prepared to talk about his next move.

加州康考斯塔县高等法庭通过一项关于眼影和腮红中铅含量限值的和解裁决。The Superior Court of the County of Contra Costa in California has granted a consent judgment pertaining to the lead limits of eye shadows and blushes.

因此,抵消pearlstein,我们还没有我们所需要的环境质量的原因之一过分监管而阻止私人拥有。So, contra Pearlstein, one reason that we haven’t had the environmental quality we have demanded is that overregulation has prevented private ownership.

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佛罗伦萨在欧洲杯继续关注孔特拉,并且和他的经济人接触了,希望以免费球员的形式签下他!Fiorentina are keen to land Cosmin Contra after the European Championships and have already made contact with his agent about signing him on a free transfer.

近代,由美国支持的尼加拉瓜内战杀死了大约三万名当地人,按照人口比例折算的话,这相当于杀死两百万美国人。More recently, the U.S.-backed Contra war in Nicaragua killed some 30, 000 Nicaraguans, a percentage of their population equivalent to 2 million dead Americans.

通过对农业时代、工业时代、信息时代下邻里关系的变化以及中国传统居住观的探讨,论述了在住宅设计中不应加大室外、半室外公共空间,而应更多采用室外、半室外私密空间。Author points out that the outer and semi-outer public space should not be increased in design on the contra outer and semi-outer private space should be adopted.