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但你还是捅了。But still you stabbed.

在一家酒吧的殴斗中被刺杀。Stabbed in a bar fight.

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他在我背后放我暗箭。He stabbed me in the back.

他被刺了一匕首。He was stabbed with a dagger.

公元前44年,凯撒大帝被刺。BC 44, Julius Caesar was stabbed.

贝丝叉起一片黄瓜。Bess stabbed a slice of cucumber.

她的心有如刀绞一般被刺痛。Her heart stabbed as with a knife.

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他将刀刺入汤姆的颈部。He stabbed a knife into Tom' s neck.

万英尺高的山峰直插云霄。The 13000-foot peak stabbed the sky.

这座8844米高的山峰直插云霄。The 8844-metre peak stabbed the sky.

大卫用一根棒子戳那匹吗。David stabbed the horse with a staff.

有人给老板在背后捅了一刀。Someone stabbed the boss in the back!

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受害者为一把短剑所伤。The victim was stabbed with a dagger.

他用刀刺入了那个人的胸膛。He stabbed a knife into the man's chest.

小流氓用匕首向我刺来。The hoodlum stabbed at me with a dagger.

他从盘子里叉起一块牛肉。He stabbed a piece of beef from the plate.

邓玉娇还刺伤了黄德智的前臂。She also stabbed Mr. Huang in the forearm.

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于是他刺破双腿,流出脓水和血污。He stabbed them to drain the pus and blood.

但每次他都又返回来刺她。Each time he returned and stabbed her again.

突然,其中一人被另一个用刀捅倒了。Suddenly, one of them is stabbed by another.