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是带4个内导体坏的托卡马克装置。MPT-X is a tokamak with a 4-node poloidal divertor.

本文介绍了KT—5托卡马克装置质谱测量的初步结果。A primary measurement of mass spectrum on Tokamak KT-5 is presented.

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软X射线诊断是研究托卡马克等离子体不稳定性的重要手段。Soft X-ray diagnosis is a important method in the research of tokamak plasma instability.

本文讨论了环流器等离子体在快加热过程中位形演变的近似描述问题。The approximate description of tokamak plasma evolution during fast heating is discussed.

本文叙述了HT-6A托卡马克平衡系统及第一期平衡实验结果。The equilibrium system of HT-6A as well as the experiments on this tokamak are described.

初步研究了环径比接近2的托卡马克堆芯等离子体的基本特征。The core plasma characteristics of a tokamak reactor with aspect ratio near 2 are studied.

主要介绍HT-7超导托卡马克装置真空系统参数的标定和分析。Calibration and analysis of the vacuum system of HT-7 superconductor Tokamak were discussed.

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一种是托克马克装置,用一个形如甜甜圈的环形磁场约束电浆粒子的运动。One is the tokamak design, trapping the charged atoms within a doughnut-shape magnetic field.

本文概述了托卡马克聚变堆堆芯参数计算的一种基本模型。This article outlines a model for calculating the parameters oi a tokamak fusion reactor core.

中科院等离子体物理研究所托卡马克物理实验室副主任。Deputy director of Tokamak Division, Institute of Plasma Physi- cs, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

模拟计算的结果对托卡马克偏滤器和第一壁的设计有重要意义。The simulation results play an important role in the design of divertor and first wall of Tokamak.

用它在HT—6B托卡马克上作了等离子体辐射和粒子损失测量。Radiation loss and neutral flux loss in HT—6B TOKAMAK have been measured by means of the bolometer.

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大、中型托卡马克在D-D和D-T运行条件下聚变中子能谱测量具有重要意义。It is very important that spectrum measurement of D-D and D-T fusion neutron in large scale Tokamak.

本文对HL-1装置放电中的逃逸电流进行了零维数值模拟。Runaway current in the HL-1 tokamak discharge is studied numerically by using a zero-dimensional code.

球形托卡马克为聚变能的商业应用提供了一条可能的途径。Spherical Tokamak is showing an attractive promising route for commercial application of fusion energy.

介绍了在SUNIST装置上进行的ECW辅助欧姆感应电流启动实验。The experiments of ECW assisted ohmic start-up performed on the SUNIST spherical tokamak are presented.

等离子体破裂是托卡马克运行中几乎不可避免的极快失控事件。Plasma disruption, which seems to be unavoidable in Tokamak operation, occurs very fast and uncontrolled.

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得到的结果对托卡马克聚变裂变增殖堆孔栏和偏滤器工程设计有参考价值。The results may be useful for the design of divertor and pumping limiter in Tokamak Engineering Test Breeder.

能量约束时间是衡量环流器等离子体约束性能的重要参数。Energy confinement time is an important parameter characterizing the confinement property of a tokamak plasma.

托卡马克等离子体中高能粒子可以激发一种称为鱼骨模的内扭曲模。A special kind of internal kink mode, the fishbone, can be excited by the energetic particles in tokamak plasma.