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把无花果和砂糖加进番泻浸液中并开启搅拌器搅拌至光滑细致。Add the figs and sugar to the senna infusion and whizz until smooth.

开往伦敦的火车每天飞快地驶过村边小站。Trains whizz through the station by the village on their way to London every day.

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如果我可以疾驰的奔向终点,这会使我节省许多在重新预订商业航班的钱上。If I could whizz across the terminal it might save me a lot on re-booking business flights.

毕竟,谁不会时不时地在盲角疾驰着打个回转弯呢?After all, who doesn't whizz round blind corners on the wrong side of the road from time to time?

车厢里空空荡荡,我们舒服地坐在软座上,观赏窗外一掠而过的橄榄树。We settled back comfortably on plump benches in an empty compartment and watched the olive trees whizz by.

伴着黄瓜在搅拌机里的嗖嗖声直到它完全变成液体,再加入1滴迷迭香精油。Whizz the cucumber in a blender until it becomes completely liquid, then add the drop of rosemary essential oil.

有只老鹰在天空中翱翔,突然听到箭飕飕地响著,感觉自己应该会重伤致死。An Eagle was soaring through the air when suddenly it heard the whizz of an Arrow, and felt itself wounded to death.

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用你的食品加工器将少许坚果制作成果仁奶油,如果奶油太干了就加一些食用油。Pop a handful of nuts in your food processor and whizz until it forms a nut butter, adding a little oil to help if it looks too dry.

这时候的辣根像奶油一样并且火辣辣的,但是它的甜味却十分柔顺,而且这种混合的味道在我的口中就像是跳跳糖一样。The horseradish is creamy and hot, but the sweetness is smooth rather than sickly, and the combined flavours whizz around my mouth like popping candy.

金属相互撞击声振聋发聩,木屑唰唰的飞过我的头顶,这个又小又脏的屋子的温度似乎正在上升。The sound is deafening as metal strikes metal, battering my eardrums.Wood chips whizz past my head and the temperature seems to be rising in this small and dusty workshop.

金属相互撞击声振聋发聩,木屑唰唰的飞过我的头顶,这个又小又脏的屋子的温度似乎正在上升。The sound is deafening as metal strikes metal, battering my eardrums. Wood chips whizz past my head and the temperature seems to be rising in this small and dusty workshop.

GCHQ希望招募活动可以为其招来前所未有的数学奇才,能够帮助国家打击日益猖獗的网络犯罪。It is hoped the campaign will lead the GCHQ to a previously-untapped source of mathematical whizz kids, with the capabilities to help protect the country from increasing levels of cyber crime.

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用臼和杵或搅拌器将乾葱头、蒜头、黄姜、炒香的马拉盏、浸过夜的乾辣椒、芫荽籽、小茴香籽、茴香籽和香茅弄成酱。Using a mortar and pestle or food processor, pound or whizz the shallots, garlic, turmeric, sauteed belacan, soaked chilli, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, fennel seeds and lemongrass to make a paste.

用臼和杵或搅拌器将干葱头、蒜头、黄姜、炒香的马拉盏、浸过夜的干辣椒、芫荽籽、小茴香籽、茴香籽和香茅弄成酱。Using a mortar and pestle or food processor, pound or whizz the shallots, garlic, turmeric, sauteed belacan, soaked chilli, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, fennel seeds and lemongrass to make a paste.