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我冒昧地不同意。I venture to disagree.

有人敢猜一下吗Can anyone venture a guess?

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我妄自做以下揣测。I venture the following guess.

没人想试试吗No one wants to venture a guess?

那为什么风险投资会失败呢?So why do venture investments fail?

那次投机买卖使他成了百万富翁。That venture made him a millionaire.

投机事业是没有成功的收尾。The venture had no successful event.

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这个投机赚钱事业让他成为大富翁。The moneymaking venture made him rich.

但是只在白天出去进攻。Venture out only in daylight, however.

所有这一切意味着他的下一个企业一定会令人刮目相看,它很可能是风险投资公司。A venture capital company seems likely.

你敢坐喷气式飞机飞行吗?。Will you venture a flight in a jet plane?

本公司是中德合资企业。The company is a Sino-German joint venture.

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宝马这次风险投资的伙伴是西格里碳素集团。BMW's partner in this venture is SGL Carbon.

李英是一家合资企业的新职员。Liying is a new employee at a joint venture.

我能斗胆提几个改进的建议吗?May I venture to suggest a few improvements?

第二天,她问他找事做的情况。The next day she asked him about his venture.

没有向导,不要冒险进入丛林中。Don't venture into the jungle without a guide.

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我公司在深圳有12年创业史。I have company in Shenzhen, 12 venture history.

想钓大鱼,就不要怕白费鱼饵。He that would catch fish, must venture his bait.

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