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现代化不等于西方化。Modernization is not Westernization.

老战斗机经历了现代化的历程。Old jets undergo the process of modernization.

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1968年经过现代化改装后的新泽西号战列舰。USS New Jersey BB-62 after the 1968 modernization.

使体育现代化从朦胧中走出来。So as to make the modernization come out of haziness.

对于现代主义的意涵,一直以来人们莫衷一是。Art has been a product of modernization and modernity.

我认为,现代化不意味着西方化。I argue that modernization does not mean Westernization.

移动商务是电子商务现代化建设的核心问题。M-commerce is the core issue of e-business modernization.

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要实现祖国的“四化”需要我们大家的共同努力。To realize the four modernization need our joint efforts.

搞社会主义现代化建设是基本路线。It is our basic line to carry out socialist modernization.

没有民主就没有社会主义现代化。Without democracy, there can be no socialist modernization.

提升了官地矿现代化管理水平。Promotes modernization management level in Guandi coal mine.

C-5M运输机经过了两个阶段的现代化建设。The C-5M is the product of a two-phase modernization effort.

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商品流通现代化步伐加快。The modernization of commodity distribution was accelerated.

该RERP项目是C-5现代化的第二阶段工作。The RERP is the second phase of the C-5 modernization effort.

儒学现代化应向巴哈伊汲取什么?What should modernization of confucianism absorb from bahaism?

社会的现代化首先是人的现代化。The societys modernization is the person's modernization first.

这是中国现代化之路上,必须要付出的代价和承受的镇痛。But China must suffer the throe in the process of modernization.

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国家的现代化,首先是国民的现代化。National modernization, first of all. the nation's modernization.

现代化成功,要靠技术革新运动。Technological revolution is a key to the success of modernization.

辰光国际货运重视高科技建设的现代化管理。CG International Logistics values hi-tech modernization management.